Vid: Aftermath

Aug 04, 2012 22:05

Title: Aftermath
Vidder: Dee Laundry
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the events of "Bombshells," House has a question to ask himself.
Content Notes: Depiction of intense physical and emotional pain.
Notes: Starting music is very quiet; it gets louder when the vocalist kicks in. Thank you to
nightdog_barks for an early look-through, and to
bironic for final beta. Warning for a complete lack of Wilson. (Seriously? Seriously.)
Source: House MD, Season Seven
Music: "Is This Love" by Cake

Aftermath from Dee Laundry on Vimeo.

I can't believe it's true.
I can't believe that you
Don't want me anymore.
You're with him,
And you don't even know
That I've been dying all day long
And singing sad, sad songs
And wishing you were gone.

Is this love? (repeated)
Or should I close the door?

My eyes are burning in my head
And seeing only red
And wishing you were dead.

Is this love? (repeated)
Or should I,
Or should I, should I,
Should I close the door?
Should I close the door? Ah, I fooled myself.

Is this love? (repeated)
Or should I,
Or should I,
Or should I, should I,
Should I close the door?


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