Title: Post an Entry
Pairing: House/Wilson mentioned (Wilson/Other Character mentioned)
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~400
Summary: Fifteen-year-old aspiring writer Jack Wilson has a Livejournal account. He hasn't made any posts Public yet. This one will never be. (Midquel for
My Fathers' Son.)
Notes: So, LJ has decided to
discontinue Writer's Block, thus jossing this little ficlet that I started in November 2009. Ha-rumph.
Post an Entry
Post as: wordsonapg
Post to: lj user="wordsonapg"
Date: November 12, 2024, 23:03
Tags: writer's block, private
Mood: contemplative
Show This Entry to: Just Me (Private)
Writer's Block: Do you know any things about your parents that they don't know that you know? What are they? How would you feel if they found out that you know?
Know, know, know, know. That, that. Consecutive "they"s with two different antecedents. Who the hell edits these questions?
I know several things my parents might be shocked to learn I've found out.
1. Both my fathers masturbate right-handed. God, I feel gross thinking about it (I'm NOT thinking about it, NO WAY, just the mere words, dry as Grandpa Wilson's old encyclopedia), but I do know it. Blech.
2. Pop likes his showers hotter than Dad likes his. How much more? "Holy fuck, Wilson, are you part rhinoceros? I have blisters now" more. I didn't find this out until Dad got his own (new) place, though. The water heater at home was set to a conservative, safe 115 degrees before I was born ("Before the first sonogram," Dad grumbled once) and hasn't been allowed any higher since.
3. Dad knew Elaine first, and arranged it so she'd meet Pop. Pop doesn't know this.
4. Pop kicked Dad out for several weeks just before I turned one. Or, more accurately, "cold-shouldered him into leaving," according to the blonde radiologist who dated Pop during that time. It had something to do with the Amsterdam trip they'd just taken, but Dr. Blonde didn't know exactly what. (Her name's not Dr. Blonde, but I don't feel like remembering the names of any of my fathers' exes. Not even gorgeous ones who give me dirt fourteen years later and tell me to call them when I turn twenty-one.)
5. Over the years my parents were together, Dr. Blonde was the only woman Pop ever picked to date. All the rest of them were chosen by my Dad. Stupid "pretend we're just friends" policy.
6. I remember the night the three of us were naked under the stars in Key West. Not much, not the visuals, not any of the sounds, but the feel of it. The light breeze, the salt air, the tickle of Dad's chest hair on my toes. Just us and the universe, together. If I ever doubt whether happiness exists, all I have to do is recall that memory, and the question is solved.