Title: Type One
Author: Dee Laundry
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: PG-13 for language
Words: 5,166
Summary: “It’s rational,” House says.
Notes: Set about two years from today. Vague spoilers through episode 5-21. Completed in honor of
mer_duff's birthday (it's still her birthday on the West coast of North America!) and to celebrate
taiga13's birthday
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One thing that threw the beginning off was that I'd forgotten to include the first sentence! The lj-cut text was also supposed to be the first sentence and I cut&pasted when I should've copy&pasted.
The cat has three main purposes in the story. First, and least important, to reinforce the established domestic nature of House & Wilson's relationship in the fic. Second, to have the fleas, which are symbolic of the anxieties jumping on and around Wilson (and sucking the lifeblood out of him). Third, so House can voice the sentiment about wanting the cat to die, so that Wilson can be dismayed at himself that he's not disagreeing with House. Because of course Wilson thinks that it's not right to wish for the cat to be dead, even though his life would be better without the inconvenience. This leads into the downward spiral of Wilson's thoughts aobut himself.
Thank you so much for the constructive feedback. You push me to look at my writing from the outside, to verbalize what's going on, and I really, really appreciate it.
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