Jun 26, 2005 00:29

this weekend has been.. i dont even know, random you could say and it's not even the end of it. me and the dudes(tim,mike,zack and pat)planned a pleasent weekend in canada for the night just to get away with the guys and get nutso legally. so we round the troops and reservations are made for the night at a cheap hotel and things are lookin decent. we get to the border and the patrol piggies start asking me about my condtional lisence and what happened to make it conditional. i tell them the whole hoo-rah and they send us to a checkpoint to get the car checked out. after a thorough 10 minute search of timmy's whip, and a "hey, get back over in front of the car!" we go inside of some building with po-ninnies and border patrol officers and i have to talk to another pig and we discuss my conditional. she explains that with a dwi or any other driving under the influence offence, that i am not to be admitted into canada. i plead my case and bitch and shoot looks and drop a few bombs under my breath, we have to turn around and head home because thats just my luck, but not before she explains to me that i'm not allowed into canada for 10 YEARS after the date of 6/24/05. the officer wrote 6/24/15 on a slip of paper with my file, so right around when i turn 30, i can go back! fuck off fag-mo's. we decide, after waiting an hour to be readmitted into our own country and dealing with some smart assed american patrol officers, to go to my buddies house in angola(about 30 minutes before fredonia if you are coming from rochester). We finally get there around 11 and we start chalking ID's and what not. we realized that out of the 6 guys that it was best for tim to chalk it up so we can get into the bar in angola. we finally get to the bar around midnight and everyone gets in besides me and pat. this bouncer was the biggest douche in the world and he took mine and pat's licenses. fuck no, the mother fuck made me pay him 20 bucks to get my lisence back and pat 10 bucks. now im 45 bucks in the hole and i havent had a cold beverage that i desired for, for some time. the other guys decide to leave the bar after failed attepts of pat and i sneaking around the back with no success, and we go to fun fact's (buddy from angola's) g-ma's house for a 30 rack of stones. everyone starts to pass out around 3 but me, zack, and fun facts stayed up until telling ghost stories and thinking about living together next year, until the roosters were crowing. we woke up at 11 and headed home. frankly, i'm surprised we didn't get a speeding ticket, with our luck and all.. sorry guys

that was one big run-on sentence. i'm tired.

tonight was fun, it was swa's b-day and we swam and drank dr. pepper and watched dumb and dumber. tomorrow night is rachels grad party and the fireworks.

zippity doo da, bye bye
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