Aug 29, 2004 14:57
i'm sick. went to geneseo last night and hated every second of it besides seeing some old friends. that place is a bunch of stuck up dead fuckiin beats. kill yourselves. sorry lauren.
i wanna do this for some reason
10 bands you've been listening to a lot lately:
10. Alexisonfire
9. The Bled
8. Gatsby's American Dream
7. As I Lay Dying
6. Bear vs. Shark
5. underoath
4. renouf
3. Punchline
2. Norma Jean
1. Fear Before the March of Flames
9 things you look forward to
9. Getting my fear before jogger
8. rugby
7. getting unsick
6. the weekend
5. seeing fear before on the 15th
4. halloween
3. snowboarding
2. seeing my loves from home
08 things you like to wear:
8. jeans
7. tee shirts
6. shoes
5. hoodies
4. thongs
3. rugby jersey
2. aviators
1. nothing!
07 things that annoy you:
7. pEoPlE wHo TaLk LikE This stupid shit
6. being sick
5. hot classrooms
4. people who steal milk and cheese from our fridge
3. dick heads
2. the scene
1. people who talk shit
6 things you say most days:
6. what the fuuaaaaaack
5. im sweating
4. awesome
3. suck a fuck
2. shitty
1. douche
05 things you do everyday:
5. listen to music
3. shower
2. use dirty words
1. go online
04 people you want to spend more time with:
4. jordy and alex
3. rugby team
2. strawcis cuz i dont ever see him
1. joe boz
03 movies you could watch over and over again:
3. Dumb and Dumber
2. Friday
1. Anchorman
02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
2. Fear Before- should have stayed in the shallows
1. punchline- coldest of calenders
01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. oo thats a tough one, you tell me.