Pirate Noises, Homework, and Google Earth

Jan 29, 2006 16:03

Howdy all,
At the desk, once again. Nothing much to do here except listen to my iPod music, read homework, and do internet stuff. I'm fairly bored, and for some reason, I really want to make pirate noises at every resident that passes. That and tackle them, but the tile floors would probably hurt them. Not me, though, I'm built like a freakin' rock. I'm probably most like talc, grant you, but it's still a rock.
Anywho, I'm into my new apartment now, and I don't hate it. All my roommates are criminal justice majors, though, so that means no alcohol or anything else in front of them. One of them is a real nerd, and two of them are taller than me. That makes one of them a tall nerd, and of the other two, they're fairly normal. It's interesting being one of the shorter guys for a change, but I can't say I mind. I wish they'd be a little quieter sometimes, though. The walls carry a lot of noise, and they shout quite a bit.
For the record, Winter Break kicked ass, except I never got in touch with Julie, Dave, Greg, Lisa, Ian, etc. I kindof didn't see everyone I wanted to, but it was pretty busy, and I was spending a lot of the time working, sleeping, bowling, and partying. Between those activities and the unmentionables, I didn't have too much free time for extra partying. Alas, though, now I'm back at school. I can't say it's what I want, since my girlfriends 1800 miles away again, but that's the way things go. I'll survive till spring break. It's about all I can do.
Right now I'm listening to Frou Frou, since I forgot a new album that I just got. The band's called Electric President. They're pretty new, I suggest all you enthusiasts of the non-crap genres look into them. I like them at any rate, but I won't pretend they're the next big thing; just nice, mellow, music.
I had been doing google earth right up till this post. I looked up the Panthenon, Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, and a bunch of other cool places. I enjoyed it, as it put off homework. But alas, I should get back to homework, as I've got two assignments due tomorrow. Since I'm buying a tv later today, I kindof need to get homework out of the way before I become a normal boob-tube watching American.
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