May 18, 2009 23:40
I guess I should work on getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night.
Well, there IS a reason, albeit a shitty one for that. See, I'm sort of addicted to the Grand Theft Auto franchise of games. I absolutely love the comically graphic violence and the amounts of ridiculous shit that you can do and get away with (most of the time) inside the sandbox of that game. I love it because in the game I can get out of my car, walk up to the person who just cut me off or dinged my bumper, remove them from their car, bludgeon them with a bat, or brass knuckles, set them and their car on fire, get back into my car and drive away. As I drive off, without looking back, I get this giddy sensation when I hear the car explode in the distance.
The reason I love this ability is because I can't do that in real life. I know I can't do that, and I wouldn't even try. I know the difference between fantasy and reality. That's why I love the fantasy so much. Because of the contrast between it and reality.
Rode the motorcycle over to O'Faolains for dinner with Joe as is our Monday ritual. Half price burgers and half price Smithwicks. Not bad. 10 minutes on the bike is better than no minutes on the bike I guess.
Hopefully this week looking like it's going to be so nice will afford me the opportunity for some afternoon rides if work plays nice. My luck being what it is though, I'll probably have to work more jobs like the one I have tomorrow, which start at 3 and end whenever they end, which means probably after 8. At least I'll get to drive on 66 heading against traffic both ways. That's always nice. Plus it's not HOV at that time of the day.
I've got this thing where what I guess is my soul is telling me I need to make something with my hands. I'm getting uncomfortable about it. Like, I want to learn to weld. Or make something really nice and precise and precious out of wood. Given my skill level though, I might as well want to build a full scale house out of toothpicks and soda can tabs. I'm not as good in real life as I am in my head. I've got some ideas to make work easier, like rebuilding the plates on the bottom of the speechview monitors, or coming up with a new hood system for the Through the Lens system, or fixing the wheels on my cube case, or building a case for my computer such that everything can be already plugged in and ready to go simply by opening the case. That would save huge time on setup. It would make for a bulkier computer case, but I think I might be able to persuade my boss to buy me a smaller laptop that would be more suitable to this kind of project. We'll see. At any rate I want to build something, or make something cool soon, so that'll probably happen at some point as well.