(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 03:36

I had every intention in the land to be in bed by 2am so I won't fail my ASL quiz tomorrow...but look at me go with my awake self. Now...here are some questions about some of you fine folk....enjoy!

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What will be porcellina's last words?ouch!What is notadaygoesby20's favorite movie?"Dirty Dancing"What is the most insightful thing you have heard gabrielsheart say?I don't know, but I bet it was mighty....insightful...What is spunsugarkisses allergic to?She ISN'T allergic to bunnies and bubbles and butterflies and baby lotion!Why is mop_monkey816 sneaking up behind you right now?Cause I haven't seen her in 20 minutes!!!!!What would ourdarkhour like to do for a living?Something fun or something where he gets to lift all kinds-a heavy things.What would happen if angryhippo and chscreamsicle went on a date together?They'd make a hipposicle....duh....What fictional character is flamablewounds most like?I don't know, but I think she should try to be tinkerbell...because that would make me happy. So work on that!Whom does iliketosmile get along best with?nice people...What animal does trollio most remind you of?a monkey...a really nice, really crazy monkey
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?

Alrighty...I'm a sleepy girl and thus it is bed time. Night!
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