An open letter to the Liberal Party of Canada

Jan 18, 2006 11:05

Dear Liberal Party:
As a 21 year old undergraduate at the University of Toronto I have for once been buoyed by high hopes of real positive change. For once, it seemed, the stars had aligned in a magnificent way such that there was a true social policy at all three levels of my government. The Projet Vert presented new optioins in order to hlep us meet our Kyoto targets. The new gas tax would help my cash-strapped city be released from the shackles of budget deficits. The newly-invigorated education system would help me get the training I need to make a difference in this world. Our recent groundbreaking agreements on Health Care, on Aboriginal Life, on equality for all regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation, and on other Key Issues raise my hopes of not only a successful society but also one that is fair, just, and compassionate.

It seems unfortunate that the Liberal Party of Canada had to stoop to *only* using negative attack ads. Please use "compare and contrast" type ads. Appeal to the good within us. The recent ad I saw last night of just Paul Martin speaking was earnest and it was uplifting. Please continue with that type of ads. I have chosen my Canada indeed. Please help others become informed in their decision. Do not get discouraged; despite what others may have said, a lot has been accomplished - there has been nothing "minor" about PM Martin's Minority Government.

canada, politics

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