Oops this has almost become a picspam. ALMOST :P
- UM.
Having. WAY. TOO. MUCH. FUN :D :D - And whoa. What did they do to Kahlan's hair?! It's gone intensely wavey and piecey. Gosh. Nice. But gosh. [/hair police]
- Aw, I love that Zedd gave Kahlan such a daughterly hug upon his return. It's so canon to the wizard/Confessor relationship in the books :)
He sniffs/plays with her hair, and fondles her agiel and he's all ‘why do you make me hurt you’ and I'm all OMFG THEY ARE THE PERFECT TWISTED AND ANGRY RELATIONSHIP DE LA SEX. AND WITH THE HATE!KISSING. WOW. Did I trip and fall out of Disney?? I LIKE. What is WRONG with me?? O show!! - Also, how freaking amazing is Jessica Marais (Denna)?? Another Australian, this show is FULL of them.
- LOL it kind of looks like Denna can't physically turn her head due to the-ahem-constricting nature of her outfit. She rotated her whole upper torso to snipe at Jennsen's mother *guffaw!*
I can do anything I want
Because I look good in leather
I can talk any kind of talk
Because I look good in leather’
TRUFAX, DENNA. - Yeh. I'm LOVING that Denna is back. She's is awesome evilpoo. Also, ‘The Sword Of Lies’?!?! HAHAHAHAHAAAA. I HAVE TEARS IN MY EYES and it's not because I'm cooking a lasagne for one.
- This zoom shot is awesomely hot. Raimi/Tapert, we love you :D
- Wow he looks like he's in some SRS pain here.
- Eeeeh. The whole, “Luke, I am your father grandfather” was pretty uninspired. I really couldn't bring myself to care. Although, I was a-thinking Zedd must've been a looker as a young wizard, because damn Richard and Jennsen are hot. NICE GENES.
- “And I'm still here. All in one piece. ... I think.” WE LOVE YOU RICHARD.
- Ooh look, Jennsen's off to visit Trelawney!
- Oh Jennsen's soooo going to save the day. (...And she does.)
And Denna's soooooo going to run away while everyone's worrying about Richard going UnOrden. (...Huh. No? 'Kay.) - OHAI, HMAS HAIR/HOOD :D
- OOOH I got such chills hearing Rahl call Kahlan The Mother Confessor. Mmmm yum.
- And you can so tell it was the middle of a burning southern hemisphere summer when they filmed these last few eps. HOT AND STILL. And even the insects sound summery. They must be dying under all those layers of leather and silk and stuff.
Well, it wasn't really much of a keeper of an episode, but whatevs, Denna made up for it in SPADES.
Eeee I finally get to watch the fabled episode 6 of Dollhouse now!!!!