i feel like total crappppp!

Feb 14, 2008 22:37

the concert went well except for the maturity level of a lot of the kids. but hey, all i could do is warn them to shup up, and i did multiple times.

the thing thats stressing me out is max. i havent talked to him in almost 2 years.

until tonight.

he came up to me and was like "hey deirdre?" and i turn to him like "what?" cause i didnt realize who it was. and my heart dropped into my big toe and my ears spontaniously combusted up in flames. he said "good job tonight" and i was like "yeah thanks" and like ran away. and the later a friend forced me to say goodbye to him.


he just makes me so nervous, and angry, and upset, and 298487489234532143 other things that make me wanna go home and crawl into a corner to straighten out my thoughts. i cant stand it. im afraid of what could happen, or what people will think will happen, if i started talking to him again. never have i told anyone this, but i still liked him when i broke up with him. thus the reason why i avoided him. it took me the longest time to get over him. and who can blame me? before the transformation into a jerk he was the sweetest guy i had ever met, and my first boyfriend. and everytime i see him, my mind doesnt know what to do with itself. because my way of getting over people is avoiding them. i know its terrible. but right now i have no coping method besides that. its one of those things i am working on. i dont know what to do with myself. good thing is, pops is over, so it'll be a while before i have to see him again.

its 11:15, so im going to sleep. night all. someone help me with my mental disorders?

<3 Deege
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