Feb 28, 2005 18:41
So Stacey is back from France as most of you know, wich makes me a very happy person, kinda spent the weekend with her wich was fun, we watched Nepolian(sp?) Dynamite, wich was one of THE MOST stupidest movies I have ever seen, but it was still funny. Then we watched Celluler wich was a good movie. I also re-formatted her computer because it was full of viruses, luckily she has the same exact computer as me or else I wouldnt know what to do lol.
So my new addictions are the following, im back to Halo for PC, for a little bit. World of Warcrack is also now one of my favorites, if you get the game, or play it, Im on Lightning's Blade, my chars name is Deegan, so far I am a lvl 13 Night Elf Hunter. Stacey got me MechAssault 2 for V-day, not as many people play online as I thought, took me about 15 minutes to find a game to play onine when Halo 2 takes 3 seconds lol.
Some news on The Crew, Vinny gets off groundation this week and Shayna has just recently been accpeted onto The Crew, expect Crew Smoke Up this weekend haha (that means crew only)