Jun 16, 2004 17:15
2day wuz my last day of skppl evry1!!! sp now its all fun 4 the SUMMMMMMAAAAAA!!!! i cant wait. im kinda bummed tho cuz now kikis family had the new baby adn she probs wont b ayble 2 chill mucn nymore.
o i totes 4got, senr prom wuz so much fun!!!!11 1st jon picked me up and went to his house and then got in the limo. there were lotsa pictures and my dress wuz really pritty kind of leik in that star wars movie and it faded from yelow 2 pinkeish red!!! and i had such a surpries, KIKI WUZ THERE 2. so i wuz sooooooo happy leik it didnt eeven botha me that there wuz a weird rushan couple in the limo 2.
so now im offish a snior, and i have 2 get ready 4 all that stuff. im kinda nervous right now but i jus got the outkast CD so im happy. im gonna be a camp counselor this summa, so then i maybe i can get sum babystitting gobs.