~ MC ~ JJ ~ MK ~ SV
SpringHill Summer 2005
Yep...I'm happy to say Taper has begun! I don't really feel the difference yet but I know I will by the end of the week. Today was a good day. Ms. King wasn't here again today so Spanish was easy. We have a FIESTA tomm! Yes so excited! Math test today was hard, but not as bad as a few others. At least I finshed this one. Anina had a GREAT talk in study hall! lmao.... silly girl. Authers was really gay. Everyone was complaining about the work...I'm like wow it's not that hard stup up and just do the work. I guess it bugs me when people complain about an assinment. Just respect the teacher. I guess I just don't understand how some people can have no respect for a teacher, it doesnt matter if you like the teacher they are you teacher...respect them. Period. Chem was boring. We went over our test for like 30 mins...It was so easy, Chem is so easy I hate it. I did have a nice talk with Cara and D$. I heart them. I was sad Sara couldnt sit by me today tho...:(. The rest of the day was boring like normal. WW2 was fun. Poor Nikki's butt...I hope it gets better! Yep thats about it.
<3 Julie
Maria and Sal in Robbie's Car
Me and Maria
Robbie on my phone!