sorry i havent updated in a while...
wensday- Jane came over for the night lots of fun there :)
thursday- my cuzins came over nd we went to metro beach then me,Jane,Liz,nd Kelsey (the fantastic four) went to the fondue room :) :) :) then back to lizzieees for the night we are the fantastic four: Liz= Lizbean, Jane= Janeuary, Kelsey= kelstronat, Deirdre= DeerHunter
Friday- hung out at lizzieees then came home nd sat on my ass
Satuday- i babysat allll day nd then my savor brittani called nd came over then we went back to hre house for the night
today- well so far i had to fuckin wake up early so my mom cud come pick me up so i can come home nd get ready for church, now i gotta go to church nd then i thiink ima chillen wiff Alisa!!!!!! :)
i'll prolly update agian later with wut we do :)
by the way you guys shud come join this community
Deirdre <3