Icon time!!
I had some other stuff I wanted to put here, but I'll save the babbling about the awesomeness of Captain America, Alphas & Suits for another post :D Just pure and shiny Icon-ness for this one ^__^
I hope you like them. ♥
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Icon making is fun, but it really makes my day if someone actually uses them. :D
You make icons, too? I'll have to check you out when I get home from work! (My monitor at work is kinda crappy, but then I guess they don't want me to stare at pretty art all day but actually... you know work ;)
I couldn't really say much about technique, most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing & just experiment around until it looks nice :D, but your icons are already a joy to look at!
You do very good an experimenting. I like to look at other artists icons and get ideas about making my own... case in point my icon. I never would have thought of laying a icon out that way... but know I might try it. Also your team icon with the split view. Very cool. I want to attempt that too.
I can't really understand how some people are content to have post after post of icons that look almost exactly the same, with the same texture/effect slapped on all of them. Yes it looks nice. It looks nice on twenty different images. But 100 or more??? Kinda boring.
I love looking at icons to get ideas for new things to try out, too. :D
Your icon does look pretty cool. I'll have to try something like this some more in the future.
I get that. I don't want everything being the same when I make icons or when I'm just looking for them.
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