Did you know...?

Feb 21, 2010 02:07

... I have an Art Journal, well community now (because it was so tedious to log out of my main account and in to the other one just for replying to comments or updating the graphics posts) *gasps* yeah, I know, shocking discovery isn't it!?! ^__^

All kidding aside, feel like I've been much too lazy lately in regards to either journal and participating in fandom in general. I'm hoping to do better henceforth.
As a start I finally posted the last of my as of yet unposted artwork, particularly my contribution to various icontests that I've done over the last couple of months.

If you are curious now and want to see for yourself what I've done with my time despite getting completely absorbed in reading Bones fanfiction follow the link below the teaser icons to my (hopefully with increasing frequency) until recently rather sporadically updated art journal :)

more icons this way... just follow the yellow brick road.. erm follow the link ^_~
opens in a new window/tab

If you've come this far and noticed - most probably with a warily raised eyebrow - that I've been using exceedingly more fancy words than I usually would, there is actually a reason for that and his (well both their) name(s) is Jim :D
I was once again very thankful for impulsively buying those cordless headphones, as I spent most of the afternoon (first sitting outside surrounded by mountains snow [yeah still, but it's starting to melt now I think] except the small patch I've shovelled free in my lawn chair basking in the sun and later in front of the fire) listening to James Marsters reading Storm Front as I've decided to read/hear the Dresden Files series again. First of all, with the headphones... with my eyes closed it felt like he was actually murmuring the words right into my ear *happy sigh* He could read a phone directory and I'd be a happy puddly of goo... so, sue me.

I don't really know what it is about these books but it just feels like my kind of writing style, it really appeals to me and that's how I'd like to express myself in my writings as well (not necessarily the 1st person POV but the descriptiveness and how the scenes are set etc.) it makes me more eloquent and my fingers almost itch with to do some writing of their own. We'll see if anything comes of that.
Just writing about maybe writing something (and perchance finally finishing a chapter of MKoN) makes me fee so bad for not getting myself to produce something worth posting ;__;

On another note, while writing this post I was eating tortilla chips with a sweet salsa dip I once again discovered, that I seem to have a rather distinctive sensibility for pepper (the spice not the vegetable) As long as it is black pepper everything is okay but put as soon as there is a certain amount of other pepper detectable everything tastes odd, kinda off and I can't concentrate on any flavour besides the offending pepper. It can be really annoying at times ~_~ The dip is really yummy but has that stupid not-black-pepper aftertaste that everybody else probably doesn't even notice... Anyone else have any weird food/taste habits??

Okay enough rambling from me for now (and I should probably spell check the whole thing twice this late in the night but I'm too tired now, sorry)

G'night everyone *hugs*

rl stuff, icons

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