~ New Christmas Layout ~

Dec 07, 2008 21:43

After a whole week of manipping and fiddling with it I finally finished the background pic for my new Christmas layout today :D

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Hmm, what else happened these last weeks? Nothing much, really. I'm still seriously behind with getting all the Christmas presents for my family and friends together, the time is just flying by way to fast ;_;

We went to the Christmas fair at the Alexanderplatz in Berlin yesterday. But it was really really full, way too much people for my liking, but we had a good time none the less. My dad and I ate our 0,5 meters of Bratwurst each (like every year, my mom and the sis only got a small one, wimps :), yummy grilled mushrooms with garlic sauce, Quarkkeulchen and of course some cotton candy. I think I don't have to mention we were quite stuffed at the end of the day :D
We did ride the ferris wheel, although I'm slightly afraid of heights, but the view was absolutely fantastic.

Last but not least, a reminder to all those of you who want a Christmas card from me this year, but whose address I don't have yet, please leave a comment here or email me. Deadline is the 12th, because I don't know whether you'll get it before Christmas if I send it any later than that (outside of Europe at least).

pics, rl stuff, cards, x-mas

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