Little Update on me, some memes and some recs...

Mar 11, 2007 22:13

So, as I promised a little update on me and my incredibly interesting life. *snort*

But first of all look at the pretty the wonderful vampgirly made for me!! Sexy tongue curling Spike!! *purr*

snagged from vampgirly and smudgiboo

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are balanced, peaceful, and sincere.
You're the type of person who goes along to get along.
And you're definitely afraid of rocking the boat.

Underneath it all, you fear your world falling apart.
You'll put up with a situation that you don't like in fear of changing it.
Disruptive and forceful people intimidate you - and sometimes exploit you.
What's the Part of You That No One Sees?

another one I nabbed from vampgirly

deedo_2313's LJ stalker is tamakin!tamakin is stalking you because your LiveJournal is just SO damned interesting. They are also stalking the rest of your friends list!

LJ Stalker Finder

this one I saw over at tamakin's

Your Daddy Is Johnny Depp

What You Call Him: Pops

Why You Love Him: He's your sugar daddy

Who's Your Daddy?

So, if he's your daddy and my daddy... we are, like, sisters! lol

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

and because once you've started you can't stop... *g*

Your Preppy Name Is...

Quinney Calloway Pruitt the Fifth

But most people know you as Mimi

What's Your Preppy Name?

Hmm, work is still taking up most of my time. But it is kinda boring most of that time. Not much to do, but I have to be there anyway...
I had to change the office/team for my last two months of working practice (don't know why) It sucks. I have been in the other office for almost two years (when I didn't have school) and we really got along well and had much fun. Always talking and laughing in the late afternoon hours, oftentime it was like 'damn, time to go home already?' but in the new office they rarely talk, least of all with me or the other apprentices. -_-
I had so little to do the other day that I wrote almost two 3k chapters for a new fic. (Now I just have to write the other 10 - 15 that have to be before those *g*)

Other than that I haven't done much writing over the last two weeks.

I good friend of mine lost her boyfriend recently and she's having a real hard time and, understandably, isn't doing so well. We were all totally shocked when she told us.
He apparently passed out the other day and they put him into hospital for a routine check up and kept him over night. They told her that a nurse went to take some blood samples later that night and a short while later his heart just stopped beating.
They are still not sure why he died, because he was in good health and stuff and rarely ever ill.
She just moved in with him 6 month ago and they were really happy. So, yeah, it's all really hard on her.

Since I am rather negligent slow with reviewing, I thought I'd post some recs again. All are stories I am currently following (except Evil Me, cause that's finished) and enjoying very much.

Winds of Change and To the Victor by Maryperk
Yay! Two new fics from Maryperk :D
The first one is a Future Fic, set in 2206. Buffy is the Slayer and on a mission to rescue Dawn from Angelus when she finds an
unexpected ally in William the Bloody. A very interesting plotline with lots of Spuffy-ness

The second one is based on a dream Buffy had on Day 8 in Fixing the Factors. (you can read it without having read FtF, though.
But you really should read that one as well ♥)

Dance of Death by Revello_1620
Spike didn't show up before carreer week in season two and a few other changes. A crossover with Highlander and so worth
the read.

Dreamescape by Holly
Set in season two, Spike and Buffy somehow meet up in a hotelroom in their dreams. And once again a truly exceptional story
from Holly. It is beautifully written with an emotional intensity, at parts utterly heartwrenching, that I've barely found in other

Beauty in the Breakdown and Worn Thin by Tristan Charron
The first one steers AU during 'The Gift'. A horrific developement up on Glory's tower results in Buffy turning away from the
Scoobies to Spike who risked everything to keep his promise and his girls safe.

Worn Thin is set in season two and deals with a paralized Spike who started out as a reluctant babysitter for the slayers bratty
little kid sister, due to one of Angelus' genius plans, but ends up as her fierce protector. Spuffy-ness is promised to be ahead.

Both are very promising and offer a refreshing take of the events of the respective season. The writing style is oftentimes
rather unusual but absolutely captivating in every way. I fell under its spell right from the start. You really shouldn't miss out on

Nimbus by Alia
Begins during The Harsh Light of Day. Spike is having a hard time forgetting his moment in the sun with Buffy, not to mention
the day he spent as her fiance. Still hating her guts but determined to get her out of his system, he decides to pay her a visit
the night Sunnydale loses its collective voice..

A wonderful new story you just have to read!

The Will to Love by Megan
Set in Season Six, As You Were. An old flame returns to Sunnydale and Buffy is forced to make the hard decisions. A wonderful
story that explores how things might play out differently if Buffy had given Spike a real chance instead of dumping him.

In Pieces by Ariel Dawn
Set in Season 4 right after Buffy and Faith switched back into their own bodies. But the spell didn't quite work as it should have
and Buffy is stuck with some of Faith'... parts. :)

Second Chance by Jackofspikes
After Angel and his team lose the fight in the alley resulting in one final apocalypse, Buffy accepts an offer from the PTB and she
and a couple of other fighters for good are brought back right before she died the first time.

Heaven Sent by Vampgirly
Buffy discovered that Spike came back and no one told her. It's too late for her to see him and tell him how she feels as he died
again saving the world. Or has he? Disillusioned and heartbroken she attends one last gathering at Wolfram & Heart to say
goodbye to those that betrayed her friendship and trust

Evil Me and The Hardest Thing in the World by Eowyn315
In the first one Spike's worst nightmare is realized, and Buffy faces a terrifying enemy... herself.

The second one revolves around Buffy's struggles to come to terms with living again after being pulled out of heaven.

Half and Half by Eternal Red
Begins with AtS5 episode Destiny and goes pretty much AU immediately. Buffy and Dawn race to LA when they discover that
Spike is back. However as reunions go this one leaves a lot to be desired. Before our lovebirds can kiss and make up - all
hell breaks loose and their problems just get doubled.

I have been straying a bit as well, though.

I haven't been to and the Black & White & Read in ages but I just had this craving for Trory and needed a little fix for the JavaJunkie in me the other day. :D I noticed, I really missed those fics and I'm glad I stopped by to read some.

Normally, slash isn't really my cup of tea, but ever since I came across it about 7 months ago I really have a weak spot for Clex (although I tend to stick to the funny/fluffy stories) And I dunno, but they kinda have the funniest, most hilarious fics I ever read. I remember printing one out, to read on my way to work, last September. I was sniggering and giggling the whole time and I just couldn't stop laughing and people surely thought I had gone crazy, cause they were all staring at me...
So, I found the url in my old bookmarks on my other pc and had to read some. The Smallville Slash Archive I usually just hit the random story button or look for the funny ones. I read this one the other day, and just ♥it!!

*huggles all her wonderful f-listers*

pics, rl stuff, memes, fic recs

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