Oct 15, 2008 04:59
About School:
Business class: boring as hell, haven’t warmed up to a single person nor even chatted with anybody (mostly teenage Armenians who just want to chat and flirt and play with their phones, Daddy will pay to open their club anyway). Good information, though, and a good project that I think I’ll get a lot out of.
Motion Graphics: pissed that he cancelled last week. It’s only a once a week class. Bummed that he talked so long tonight he had to race through showing our projects, and mine was first so he just showed it, led a pathetic clap, and moved on to the next person who got twice the time and a little analysis, and the next person got twice that time and a lot of analysis, etc etc. Lesson: NEVER go first.
Shakespeare: so much fun. I love the work, Steve is great. I don’t want to go tomorrow night. Don’t know why. Just doanwanna.
I’m having a bad run of serious “idoanwanna” right now. Seriously, all I want to do is sleep. I’m neglecting household chores. And I’m getting fatter. This is proven by two things: one, being weighed at Hemacare every two weeks. A steady gain of two to three pounds every time. Two: my seat belt clip is digging into my butt quite painfully.
There's always drama, isn't there? Funny, though, most of it isn't mine right now, although I sure did take a swing at making it some of it mine.
It's October, and that means a few things here in Southern California. Baseball, needing a jacket at least twice for about 15 minutes, winds from hell, and half the unoccupied land in the county burning to a crisp. Sometimes some of the occupied land burning. And every two years or so, a fire gets close enough to us to make us a little nervous. That was yesterday. It's all good now - the amazing firefighters we have down here managed to get the fire closest to us contained in less than 24 hours. And with no sleep they all headed up to start working on the other fire near Porter Ranch. Firefighters are awesome.