Tonight Karen went knitting and I decided to take myself out for dinner. I went to a pizza place I keep driving by: Big Mama's and Papa's. Their menu was huge, but one thing caught my eye right away: Georgian Khachapouri. Seemed like it would be supportive to order something Georgian - not the same as sending a letter or calling my congressperson - but a gesture.
I had no idea what it was, but what the hell. Turns out it's a thin pizza crust with the edges turned up to make a kind of flat bowl. It's filled with butter, feta, mozarella, and - this is the part I wasn't sure about - fried eggs. You can get it just like that or with other stuff on it, veggies, etc. I had ham and bacon.
It was amazing, like a breakfast pizza. I don't like red sauce on pizza, so this made it even better - just tons of butter and creamy eggs and cheese, crunchy bacon, strips of ham...oh god, it was good.
So take THAT, Russia. Go home to your borscht and your cheap Vodka, we're all good with the KHACHAPOURI over here!