Feb 27, 2005 01:45
so long ugh day.
dont wanna talk about it.
it was bad.
saw cursed with dave and it sucked beyond belief.
im staying at bris.
cuz my mothers a whore cunt bag bitch face.
and shes taking pictures with my digital camera.
work was great friday.
reeva pearsal and myself will be seen together at the concert at smalls on weds. and i cannot wait! reeva is like. my all time love and a half. and we make fun of val allll the time. so itll be oh so much fun.
i think i might move out.
situations are getting that bad.
i cried a lot today but im fine now.
i just have to accept the fact that shes finally chosen him over me and im fine with it i guess, it just hurts a little ya know?
kyles worried sick and he doesnt have to be. im fine and bri and i are having a ball. she is my savior. luhhhhhhhve her! ♥
so yeah. im tired.
grapes soda is wearin me out.
ill writ soon. maybe monday. yeah. monday.
tomorroe i take back KT's gift and im gonna look at cingular phones with my mother so hopefully i can get one. ill be super excited!! but if not ill get one next weekend of soon.. very soon. and the kyle and i will talk forever!
krista was at the movies tonight with her mom and dad so dav and i held hands the whole time to make her mad hahahah. it was so great. i had fun tho. until well the mother. heh. but im getting over it.
ill get some sleep. wake up. go home and call kyle to leave him a message. i miss him oh so much. it hurts. ♥ broken heart right there...
until monday loves.
i bid you ado.