Attract the same kind of men

Dec 16, 2010 17:41

I try every day to keep up with the bar that I made up for myself. Check how this label, image, beauty, tolerance, flexibility, joy and other good things that might tempt him.  I mean the one that I want to concur

But sometimes I feel like I struggle for nothing to  become a better person, much better, becoming better, the best under the sun. I have reason to believe that eventually is enough to sit with folded hands and watch the clouds.. The result might surprise me.
 Maybe it's ok to relax and get to the wisdom that my mission in terms of personal development has been completed. Maybe I'm better as I find myself, no longer need to add / improve / change some tricks.

I say this because I realized that whatever I do, I'm  attracting about the same kind of men.

How I walk through world, I stick to the skin of the forearm, which functions as an emotional magnet, varieties of men familiar to me.  Men are not interested in me better or worse.  I do not cross roads with uneducated men or cosmopolitan but with the same men. I do not even think it's a bad thing, far from me to complain. Only when they come with  the same faults it drives me crazy,  but I must admit that the package is and about the same qualities.

I'm just saying what found out. But if this is so, men and guys who like me are destined for me anyway, then I can sit down good, that means they will hover about me anyway. With this idea of this new bearer, I think I may even wear pink every day, although  is not cool, or wear a hat of feathers every Thursday.

Also I did not like me to wear lipstick but I proceeded so because I was told by the audience that's important.  Men who like me do not even support women with lipstick. Maybe I can and eat something more than usual, without looking so often at the waist, staring out of his head. Men who are interested in me will not want to sticks stuck in the ass. When they want to fuck me, they want to feel big breasts like Jenna from the porn movies, wanna feel a good ass, not just bones.

You understand what I mean, do not insist. Men that I attract are serious people but have a very well developed sense of humor and make me laugh all the time. They hate little snobs  and this is coming in the same package..  So they do not seek botox, lip gloss, hair stretched plate, perfect skin,  shadow mask, long blond hair and brand clothing.

Men who think I'm interesting are stuffed as the constitution or, anyway, not even skinny. They can not wake up in the morning, even if you show them your tits, ass and everything. They say that they don't watch TV but time will prove that this was just a lure that they threw to me so that I'll sleep my vigilance.

Most men that wants me work as normal persons with normal jobs, which have existed for a long time in classification.They have bodies and personalities normal  of the ax and do not demonstrate an extraordinary taste in clothes.

That seems like it's my cross. Does to you happens the same?

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