Last time:
- The Woods family became vegetarian, due to ROS (and it continues this round)
- A new cat, Cloud, joined the family
- Tristan grew up to became the clone of Jared
- Jared started to sell bland tomatoes in his grocery store, which were surprisingly popular among the customers
Yay! That's perfect, because Brett will grow up soon! :D
Let's start with some fishing in the rain.
They must sing: I'm fishing in the rain, I'm fishing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again XD
However Tristan still has to practise more :P
Don't forget about Artemis, who's expecting kittens!
So! Brittany finally got around to open her restaurant, the Green Plumbbob Dinner! :D
It's seriously green ^^
She hired Rachel Banks to be a... well, employee. She started her work enthusiastically XD
Rachel: What?
The preggy Abigail by
lesyasun was a bit choosy. Must be those nasty pregnancy hormones!
Ah, Kiefer, you're always so happy! He never written a single bad review in his entire life!
Rachel: So you order Nectarin Tar... Tarle... Tarelet...
Brittany is seriously a master chef!
As I said, Kiefer is a great guy :D
Brittany: Take a seat!
Rachel: *sigh* Another customer...
Maaaagic *_*
Wow, you just hired her!
I think, she didn't appreciate Rachel's lack of enthusiasm XD
Brittany: Is he okay?
Meanwhile at home Tristan was addicted to Cloud!
And Cloud was addicted to this cat game thingy ^^
Yes, Cloud, Artemis is the queen of the house! (pregnancy hormones? XD)
And it was someone's birthday!
Who's Brett (no surprise, because he's the older kid)
Of course the parents quickly got distracted after the celebration
Annnd here we have our teen Brett! I had a hard time choosing his hair ^^"
Anyways, stats!
Pleasure / Knowledge (another one) - Scorpio
+ Fitness, Blond hair
- Good in cleaning
Traits: Loves the Outdoors (Jared) - Unflirty (Brittany) - Supernatural Skeptic - Nurturing
LTW: World Class Ballet Dancer
Of course, his first trip was to the Town Hall to buy some gadgets
The small garden with the bland tomatoes is still here
Tristan didn't care about the garden, instead he started to play whatever sims game his brother bought yesterday
It was time to visit Jared's business, the Fresh Food Mini Market! Alyssa Kinsley still works here!
And Olivia is still pretty :3
Okay Jared, I'm happy that you enjoy yourself, but maybe you should care about the customers?
The bland tomatoes were still selling great!
Meanwhile at home: kitty time! :3
Meet Bubble (female), Joker (male), and Twinkle (female)
And here's when the kitten spam starts! :D
Look at this cute face!
They're everywhere!
What a nice booty you have here ^^
Brett brought Leann Danielson home from school. And they have two bolts!
Well, she could fit the Woods family's green color theme (okay, that was a bad joke XD)
Yaaaaaay! :3
Artemis: Silly humans
They went on a date!
But Leann quickly got distracted because of the cute kitties
Kitty (I can't distinguish them): Help...
And Tristan came home with Berenice Danielson! I see some kind of family reunion there :D
They had a great time!
Until they had to write their homework
I think they both have Jared's nose, but I'm not sure. Oh, well!
Brittany brought home Alyssa Kinsley from work
Who's vegetarian, so she loved the salad
Awww :3
He seems so satisfied
Of course every single visitor got distracted by the cats :P
Leann, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?
Yes, she woke up everyone with the ringing, and then she left, thank you
Those pesky bugs!
Brett brought home Leann again. It's fate!
While Jared greeted the very pregnant walkby Natalie Danielson, because she's an old family friend!
Or just came to check on her niece, Leann
And as we know, the Danielsons love cats! :D
Tristan came home with and A+
Tristan: Daddy, daddy! I got an A+!
Jared: Okay, my son, but I'm trying to concentrate on the catch!
Oh, and he also brought Aubrey Banks with him!
Kitty: Halp...
Yes, Brett, that's a good way to impress your date...
Well, that's much better!
Artemis: Silly humans
And they suddenly started to argue, and Leann left O_o
Brittany taught some tricks to Artemis!
At least the date was a great one
Look how happy Leann is! :D
Finally the tomatoes grew produce, so Jared could sell them again
The kittens grew up! That's Bubble
And Twinkle
I know their names just because I took the pictures in alphabetical order XD
But wait! They had blue eyes so far! My game is tricky!
Meanwhile at the grocery store...
The business reached Rank 6!
Why the half of the queue faces the wrong way?
Thank you, Snowflake, that fridge definitely needed some trimming XD
At home: cats everywhere!
Brett brought home Leann again. I hope it's just enthusiasm and not a glitch!
But look how happy they are, aww :3
Later, Leann's father, Davey Danielson came to check his daughter. It seems he was satisfied about her date :)
Kisskiss ^^
It was time to arrange that sleepover, so Brett invited his friens over!
For example Emmett Masterson
Rachel Banks
And Cailin Sergeant, who magically changed her clothes, woops!
It must be the repository stuff I downloaded XD
In this house, everything is about cats. They even watched a film about them!
The parents also had a great time on their own XD
I don't like the blue color on her! >_<
There's so many green things in this picture XD
I think Emmett loves cats
And the cats loves each other!
Well, needless to say, the visitors didn't sleep at all
Hi, Twinkle, you look so cute!
Back to the restaurant!
It reached Rank 1! Yay!
I haven't seen townies eating together before!
But It seems like Darcy (by
Poppet) didn't enjoy spending time with Kailand (by
sunnyskysx) :P
The orchard trees also grew produce, so Jared will expand the grocery store's supply (next round)
Still life with cats :3
Leann again, but I didn't mind, beause they're cute!
Aw, yes :)
Tristan came home with Finley Sergeant this time
Of course they played the Sergeant family custom: pillow fighting!
Still life with cats and Brett
That's all, have a nice family picture! It seems like Brett and Tristan have the same jeans XD
The tax was 4800 simoleons
- I'm really happy about Leann and Brett! They're so cute together! And since their parents are also in friendship, it's an awesome thing! :D
- I'll sell (or just give) some of the new kittens to other residents in the beginning of the next round (one female for the Sergeants, and I don't know about the another one)
- I really like the Green Plumbbob Dinner! I can't wait to have some more employees, so the business will operate more smoothly!
- Thank you for reading :D