Round 3 - Danielson

Oct 03, 2014 20:21

Last time:
- Davey was abducted 4 times due to ROS, and gave birth to a little alien girl, Leann
- Natalie was seeing several guys
- The Fire Station was doing great

Another picnic? Well, okay

I'm happy that winter ended soon -_-

I wanted Natalie to practice makeovers on the mailman, but I forgot that it's not possible, when npcs are working :/

Poor Davey got a demotion :(


Because he arrived home earlier, he could take care of little Leann. But I think you could take off your fireproof suit, she won't catch a fire

They had enough money, so Natalie could buy a salon: Gel & Hairspray!

Her first victim customer was Evelyn by kahlena

Nothing changed, I think that counts as a success :P

The garden club guy wasn't that lucky

Nor this townie

But Emily Sergeant got a new haircut!

Abigail by lesyasun continued her new habit to appear everywhere

But I think she made a wrong decision XD

Meanwhile Davey was still disappointed about his demotion

How can you see the sqares?

Natalie should practice a little

Oh, that went well!

Next day, Natalie asked one of her love interests, Niko by Poppet on a date!

Of course ACR immidiately kicked in

Something is smelly!

Another successful non-makeover! Niko is ridiculously cute!

Nice XD

And it was Leann's birthday!

Well, not really alienish, but she's a cutie :3

Stats: Pisces
Traits: Adventurous (Davey) - Angler

More action

Still addicted to pt faces :3

No surprise why she has the Nurturing trait, she's an awesome aunt!

Hehe :)

Later, Davey asked Abigail on a date!

Everything went quickly as usual

Natalie met Kailand by sunnyskysx - another two bolter!

They got along well, but nothing happened

Davey almost forgot about Leann!

Because he had a great time with Abigail :)

Sleepy morning

Time to visit the Fire Station (because they had the financial support for this business)

Natalie is not working here anymore, so Brittany Woods tried to substitute her (with less success)

Everyone was buying fire alarms and sprinklers (and hydrobots)!

Well, Brittany don't have as good cashier skills as Natalie... Louis by voleste was really angry about it

Uh, oh, calm down Kailand (they definitely need a new cashier)

Meanwhile Leann was an ordinary toddler :3

It seems like Kailand can be in two places at the same time XD

I think he tried to impress Natalie

He also fed Leann!

And let Natalie practice on him

But things went worse

And even worse

Daddy got home!

Another lousy makeover

Next day it was time to do that ROS picnic, so they visited the Birch Park!

Flying baby!

Of course the evil warlock managed to ruin the weather, so they had to go home

But not Natalie! She went to work!

Kiefer visited the business, but he left without a single word - again. What's wrong with you?

Piper Masterson was happy she didn't get some ugly makeup XD


Meanwhile another date for Davey!

I wasn't surprised to see this :)

Kailand casually walked by, but unfortunately, Natalie was at work

Abigail and Leann got along well!

So I decided to move her in! Hurray!
At least she will have excuse to be everywhere :P

Stats: Pleasure / Fortune (so many fortune secondaries) - Pisces
+ Formal wear, Glasses
- Fatness
Traits: Loner - Rebellious - Reptile Enthusiast - Charismatic - Heavy Sleeper
LTW: Professional Party Guest (no wonder why she spent a lot of time in the arcade XD)

Davey seems a bit startled :P

That's it. The tax was 4500 simoleons

- So I don't feel the eternal fire between Abigail and Davey, but I think they make a good couple (and I can't wait for babies!)
- Natalie always wanted to go on dates, but didn't roll any want of her love interests. She's a romance sim! (I actually put her on birth control on the first day, but I have hopes for risky woohoo :P)
- I don't like salons in the beginning, because those bad makeovers make the facepaints disappear :( So I will have to write down what freckles they have...
- And thank you for reading :D

sims 2, round 3, danielson, griffinmere bacc

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