Round 9 - Danielson

Jan 15, 2017 19:08

Last time:
- Shawn and Evander became teens, and Berenice an adult
- Abigail (by lesyasun) gave birth to a baby girl, Missy
- Snowflake the cat was cute as usual

Yay for a little animal! :D

Yes, I'll continue the sky picture galore

As I said in the previous Danielson update, Berenice moved out. We'll meet her in her own update :)

Bubbles before school? O.o

Abigail and Davey are still lovebirds :3

So the diaper change left to Evander
He didn't seem to mind though

And Missy could get Berenice's old room

Due to the ROS event, a little lizard (with the really creative name of Lizardina) joined the family

The twins are really great friends ^^

Snowflake is still here of course!

And she gets a lot of attention ^^

Evander: Ugh, mom, dad...

Abigail: Jump away Shawn, I can't see anything!


Mommy duty :3

That wasn't a really interesting day

But the sky is pretty *.*

Shawn seems to be interested in fitness these days!

Are you okay, Missy?

Okay, time to work at the Fire Station!

The first customer was a satisfied one: Kailand (by sunnyskysx)

Kiefer, the reporter guy also visited the business
And he's still cute :3

He was quite impressed

Random picture of random customers: Nimrod Favreau and Natalie Danielson

Tristan Woods: Better pretend I haven't seen anything...

Yay! :D

Fausta was also there, performing her grumpy self!

Random picture of a paying customer: Helena the townie

Meanwhile: the boys enjoyed each other's company

One of them brought home Jude Kinsley home from school
And he occupied Evander's attention :3

That punching game seems popular in this family

Berenice visited them!

They have similar pants XD

Shawn: You have alien ancestry? Aliens are frightening!
I'm not sure that's the proper topic with your twin's boyfriend!

Daddy duty!

Too close contact...

Oh no :o
Poor Missy was also witnessing this :(

At least there was hula cocktail and everything
(and an inappropriate hobby club leader in the background)

RIP Davey Danielson, you'll be missed :'(

To have some good in the day, Missy had her birthday!

Missy: *is almost sleeping*

Poor thing must've been too tired

But here's the cute! :3

Traits: Snob (Davey) - Loner (Abigail)

Evander: I'm so handsome!
Whatever you think XD

Just look at her little face <3

Obligatory pt face

Singing cat!

Okay, I can't stop, she's so adorable!

Shawn became fit! And half of his face melted XD

Jude came home with them this day as well!

And it was Abby's birthday! :D

Abigail: What's happening?

Meanwhile, Missy didn't care about the aging at all, and tried to kill Snowflake with her love!

But here's elderly Abigail :)

Evander was still taking care of his little sister :3

Abigail: Oh, Davey! You sent me a love letter from the afterlife!
Um, I'm not sure it's yours...


Nobody cared about poor Lizardina, so I sent Abby to hug her. She's a reptile enthusiast afterall!

Payton Danielson-Novak came home with the boys that day!
As well as Jude Kinsley

Flying baby!

Maybe that wasn't a good idea Payton XD

Evander: How boring is that!

Brett Woods somehow let himself in and hugged Abigail...

Jude: Do you want to play video games with me, Snowflake?

They went on another date :)

They're getting along better and better :)

No luck in talking, here

Obligatory upside-down picture :3

Talking progress: success!

Autumn was here!

Jude came home with the boys again. What a surprise

At least he helped taking care of Missy! +1

Here's a picture to prove that the boys wrote their homework properly

Missy: Omnomnom

Okay, apparently, writing homework is tiring XD

What did I say about this punching game?


And that's it, have a nice family picture :)
The tax was 3300 simoleons

- Well, that wasn't a really interesting round... At least Missy was cute! :3
- I have no idea which of the boys will be the next firefighter. I'm thinking about Shawn, because he's more in fitness than his brother. But we'll see next round (they have 1 day to grow up)
- Poor Abigail became elder with really low aspiration :(
- It seems like Evander and Jude are improving their relationship, after their not so good date in the previous rotation. Maybe they'll stay together?
- Thank you for reading ^^

sims 2, round 9, danielson, griffinmere bacc

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