Round 8 - Favreau

Nov 06, 2016 19:45

A new family decided to move in to Griffinmere! Thank you for my lovely followers and lurkers who helped choosing between the nominees! :)

First, let's see their stats!

(from left to right)
Nimrod Favreau
Popularity / Romance - Pisces
+ Black hair, Artistic
- Mechanical
Traits: Frugal, Dyslexic, Clumsy, Star Quality, Good sense of humor
LTW: Captain Hero

Desiree Favreau
Pleasure / Grilled Cheese - Cancer
+ Cologne, Glasses
- Fullface makeup
Traits: Absent minded, Shy, Nurturing, Gatherer, Animal Lover
LTW: 50 1st dates

Aiden Favreau
Romance / Pleasure - Capricorn
+ Custom hair, Witch
- Lycantrophy
Traits: Party Animal, Gatherer, Eco-Friendly, Natural Born Performer, Dramatic
LTW: Professional Party Guest

Also, no ROS event, since it's their first round :)

Let's start with their house! It's originally by alienpod

They didn't have much money to furnish it

Aiden's room

Desiree's room

And Nimrod's room

They started with some siblingly (is that word exists?) bonding :)

Ahoy captain!

I guess Desiree made the breakfast - a true grilled cheese secondary XD

Brett Woods, and the Finley/Rachel Sergeant couple visited them
I wanted to write a funny caption, but this picture is chaotic enough XD

Brett, no. You have a fiancée.

Nimrod wasn't interested in any gossip

Then they visited the Birch Park for friend / spouse hunting!

Well, the boys were occupied with each other instead XD

Finn, the rocker townie: Who is this guy?

That's definitely a pleasant way to eat your hot dog XD

Well, since they were quite poor, it was time to start digging!

At least they have water XD

Good night Desiree!

Okay, let's introduce the new Police Station!
(there were no burglaries so far, but it's a must have institution *shrugs*)
It's kinda small, but I have plans for expansion :)
(Nimrod took a 30k loan btw)

They sell burglar alarms and certificates of good conduct XD

There's also an office which is purely decorative

At least it looks cool (imo) :)

Desiree: Guys, seriously...

I think, Jasper the townie is sick. He started to be interested in buying stuff :o

Brett wanted to obtain an alarm

That must've hurt D:
Or Aiden just wanted to get close to the poor garden club lady XD

Yay, money!

Desiree is a pathetic cashier XD
No problem, practice makes perfect XD

Smiley also wanted to buy a certificate, to prove, he's not a criminal XD

Mr. Good Warlock started to enchant the telephone XD

Magic *.*

Leann Danielson also came to buy certificates (the Woods II family really wants to clear themselves from suspicions XD)

Okay, I said I don't choose favorites, but heck, I'm in love with Aiden's jaw *.*

Yay more money!

What did I say about the Woods II family? XD

Aiden accidentally invited Finley over XD

Okay, Desiree, it was time to work on that 50 dates LTW (which probably won't happen, but meh)
So she invited Robert the townie for a date! (he was the only one who had any bolts with her)

Okay, shy flirting is so cute :3

I think someone wanted to poison poor Finley XD

Straight to bed couch, as usual XD

Too much excitement XD

So! Since Nimrod is the official policeman, he got a proper job as a police officer (according to my wonky-tonky rules XD)

Meanwhile Aiden cleaned the house

Meanwhile Desiree tried to get more date partners

Well, it wasn't a great idea, Roxanne, the townie!
Also she left immediately, so no date for Desiree

But Aiden is still handsome :3

So they visited the Botanical Garden for more date-hunting!
(note to self: I need to build more parks, because it's boring to send them to the same 3 places all the time XD)

Aiden met Berenice Danielson :)

And Desiree tried to get on the good side of Kailand by sunnyskysx
And they went on a date!

But Natalie Danielson stole her date :/
Hector the cute townie was just lurking XD

And then he scolded her because it was a bad date... seriously! You flirted with other woman XD

Hector: Wow, that was so rude!
Negative chemistry -.-

Thank you -.-

Well, at least the other "couple" was doing great :)

Very great :3

The ship started!
They're cuuuute :3

I think it was a bit fast for Berenice XD

Okay, I'm dying <3

Maybe a dead tree won't hurt her feelings XD

Meanwhile Nimrod arrived home and buried himself in a book

Aiden invited Berenice to a proper date :3

Okay, Desiree, that's not how you supposed to behave with your brother's date!

The couch got occupied again :P

Nimrod was still uninterested in any gossip

Um, were the mailboxes recolorable before? Or I downloaded recolors, but I don't remember?

Seems like women is not interested in dating poor Desiree

Maybe try that alienish postman?

I swear, Desiree is pure evil XD

I don't think that's a love letter...

Lol, I haven't seen a hate letter before, but I'm dying XD Look at that skull XD

And she had no luck in digging out stuff as well

Okay, let's do an afternoon/night shift at the Police Station :)

Hi Kiefer the lost reporter guy! :)

Don't look at her like that Mae (by slyndsey), you were just as bad when you started!

Yay more MONEY!

The mayor's wife, Piper Masterson also paid them a visit :)

I think he liked the business :)

Good review and best of best, yay!
Seems like everyone is happy about the Police Station! :)

He remained from Halloween XD

Nimrod: I don't think you should eat it, Aiden...

The next day starts with another meeting for this ship :)

And another wooty-hoo

That was when I realized you can't invite an NPC on a date :/
(or at least, the normal way)

Everyone is pairing up...

... and I'm just sitting here, eating my grilled cheese
"Desiree Favreau"

Still in love with Aiden's face :3

Love is in the air, literally XD

Aiden: Honey, I love you but...Just... stahp

Nimrod managed to set a date for himself with the garden club lady :)
Whose name is... *runs to check in SimPe* Jessica!

Uh, nice start XD
At least Nimrod was enjoying it XD

Jessica: Leeeet the sunshine, leeeet the sunshine in

#1: Berenice is not your friend, but your daughter
#2: we still don't have a freakin downtown XD

Cutie face :3

Jessica: Hey, Nim! Let's dance!
Nimrod: *munches*

Finally, Desiree could get her a third date, in the form of Evelyn (by kahlena)

In the end, everything went well for Jessica and Nimrod, they even grew a bolt (or two, I don't even remember XD)

Thank you warehouse...

I don't think Evelyn was interested in kissing xD

And that's it! I was too lazy to make a new picture of them, since nothing changed XD
The tax was 2300 simoleons

- Okay, I'm pretty stuck with what should they sell at the police station? Ideas are appreciated :)
- I just love Aiden and Berenice together! I thought Aiden will have more dates and stuff, since he's a romance sim, but he's just all around Berenice :3 (at least, now)
- Poor Desiree wasn't so lucky this round XD But I swear she's really evil XD She's mocking and arguing with everyone XD
- Thank you for reading! :)

favreau, sims 2, round 8, griffinmere bacc

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