Round 8 - Banks

Oct 01, 2016 18:44

Last time:
- Aubrey grew up to an adult and was unsuccessful in her love life
- Cornelia became a witch, and Gaston an elder
- The Book Nook was making a lot of money, thanks to the manager

It'll be Aubrey

Cornelia is still just an old woman, who likes lurking on the neighbors flowerbeds

Such enthusiasm, Aubrey!

Cornelia was still practising her witchiness, Larson didn't really care though

Larson: Omnomnom

Larson: *sniffs* What a nice pair of knees you have here!

Abigail (by lesyasun): Hiii!

I decided to call over the Garden Club again, because why not XD

Maybe a little magic will help!

They still wear this shirt as a uniform XD

Um, what are you looking at on the bookshelf Mr. Garden Inspector?

Um, maybe this one is just thirsty?

All in all, they didn't get the Wishing Well :/
Which was no surprise XD

Aubrey tried the matchmaker... again

Matchmaker Lady: I see the perfect candidate!
I'm not that optimistic

It's Mae by slyndsey!

Well, she wasn't interested...

Maybe, some friendly video gaming would help?

It didn't

Also, Gaston finished another novel (it was a kids book)

Oldies, but still in love :3

Aw, look how happy Larson was when he got some attention :3

Do you feel like I always take the same picture of the Book Nook? XD

That's really mature of you, Gaston

Look, Jasper the townie is interested about something? What's wrong with you, man? XD

Cailin Sergeant: Is that... a... cash machine?
Yes, dear, you have such thing in your own business too XD

Leann Danielson, the manager sports a lovely tummy :3
Also, Cailin probably broke her neck XD

Mae is getting better and better in that cashier thing :)

Lena, the townie inherited the grump role from Jasper XD

Leann, stop.

At least, Gaston could make his son, Gerald excited XD


Everyone was bored

Another go with the matchmaker. Maybe third time's the charm?

She got Marly, the townie!

But she wasn't interested either :(

Maybe some red hands playing would help?

We interrupt the documentary of Aubrey's date with a cute picture of Larson :3
Okay, back to business

From the previous episode: Aubrey tried to get into Marly's heart by playing red hands with her.
It worked :D

Yay for their first kiss :3

Larson: Woof, I ship them too!

Of course they didn't stop here (thanks ACR XD)
The date was nice :)

The next day, Cornelia continued studying some magic! :)

So sparkly!

There's no spell to clean the dog though XD

Cornelia: *stares to the camera with proudness* My padawan in lurking!

He must've seen something really shocking XD

Well, it was probably something about the mayor, Wilbur Masterson...

You caused this

Gaston: ...and then he just started to shout at me!
Cornelia: *seems uninterested*

Aubrey went on another date with Marly, to the Sunshine Pool! :)


Niko (by Poppet), you should clean up, your business is a complete mess! No wonder why the customers are complaining!

So romantic

Wait what?! Niko!!!

Ah, you sneaky girl, you, Mae...

At home, Olivia Banks, wife of Gerald came over to visit :)
Yep, she's pregnant
Like every second woman in this town XD

Please, stop eating the flowers Mr. White Wolfie

Gaston: Were you a top student?
Olivia: Does it matter?

Finley Sergeant also came over. It was some kind of meeting for in-laws XD

Olivia is still really pretty :3

Next day, Gaston wanted to throw a sports party, so I let him

Yep, Mae was invited too

Mae: Gurbits!

Oh, and now Godric by voleste? You should be ashamed of yourself! XD

Let's charm the guests, until they're in good mood!

And here's a proof that Gaston actually talked to the guests XD

Deeply in crush

At night, she invited Marly over :)

So romantic #2

They jumped right to the parents bed XD

And she ended up moving in!

Stats: Fortune / Knowledge - Cancer
+ Facial hair (XD), Red hair
- Fullface makeup
Traits: Loner - Neat - Snob - Savvy Sculptor - Computer Whiz
LTW: 5 Top Level Businesses

Finally changed to the top floor, so they'll live here :)

The food was too delicious

Of course, I managed to forget that Aubrey is vegetarian... Let's pretend it was a veggie spaghetti XD
More interesting things: she decided to pop the question! :D

Marly said yes! :D

Larson: I haven't been on screen since a long time!
Calm down dear, there you go XD

Since Marly is a Savvy Sculptor, I decided that she could give the pottery stuff a go :)

Well, it wasn't a real success for the first try XD

The old ones also went on a date :3

Marly helped harvesting the bland fruits

Well, they ended up not doing anything interesting during their date XD

Does it smell good, Larson? XD

Marly finally had some success with her pottery, yay :)

What a nice name you have here XD

There were chymes :3

And I finally remembered that Aubrey used to paint XD

Cornelia also decided to try the pottery thing :)

And here's a proof that Gaston was checking on his business regularly. It was making a great money! :D

That's all! They paid 7500 simoleons for taxes

- I'm so happy that Aubrey found someone! I thought she'll be lonely forever, but Marly just needed some convincing ;)
- Since Marly became pregnant first, I decided that she'll bear their kids so I tweaked Aubrey's... whatever it is on ACR XD I hope it'll work
- I'm planning some kind of pottery store or handmade store for Marly, because I had one in my previous neighborhood and it was fun!
- Thank you for reading ^^

banks, sims 2, round 8, griffinmere bacc

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