Round 8 - Danielson-Novak

Mar 24, 2016 19:26

Last time:
- Niko cheated on Natalie, and they broke up (blame the ROS event)
- Payton became a little duck-faced child
- Natalie tried to forget Niko, and dated one of her previous lovers, Kiefer, the reporter guy

Well, that's nice! Also they're still vegetarians for this round

Let's start with a totally pointless, but pretty picture!

And with little Payton, who's still precious :3

And with Natalie, painting an unusually large picture

Payton got an A+! :D

Which means more homework...
But the creepy dino was still keeping an eye on him XD

They had some fun too :)

And visited the Nutcracker Playground :D

Where they met Natalie's niece, Leann Danielson :)

She got along pretty well with Payton, too :)

Ouch, that must hurt O_o

Aww, my poor child, why are you crying? :(

At least his cousin cheered him up a bit :3

And then he just went to sleep XD
Also I've never noticed that there's a little cupid symbol on this bench XD

So they went home. As you can see, he was reaaaaally tired XD

Payton always takes care of the dishes! What a neat-freak child XD

Seems like Natalie doesn't like her own painting XD

Time to visit her business, the Gel & Hairspray! :D

Emily Sergeant still works as a second hairdresser
Abigail (by lesyasun): Hm, I see she makes nice haircuts!

Abigail: He even gave her a tip! She must be a pro!

Oh... XD

At least Natalie didn't give an awful makeover to Aubrey Banks

That's a really tough beard, if I can say so XD

What a happiness! Nothing changed!

Hi, Mr Evil Warlock!

He must be a really unlucky one, because he usually fails in casting spells XD

Yay, this little cutie, Charlie Sergeant also wanted to have a haircut!

Aww, just look at this little head pat :3 I want to enable kids in all my stores, it's just too cute <3

And the business reached Rank 7, but I accidentally closed the popup, so here's the proof XD

Finally, Emily fixed Abigail's face XD

And Mr. Evil Warlock left a present there...

All the kids look so happy when they come home from school :D

Payton wanted to follow his mother's footsteps :D

Niko (by Poppet): Hi there!
Natalie: Go away you cheater.

I hope grilled cheese sandwiches don't contain meat XD

I have to admit: that dino guy is just awesome :D

Natalie: Why is there a toilet in this fairytale?

Their patio (or whatever it is) got a little makeover :)

Later, Natalie invited Kiefer, the reporter guy over :D

I think he made her quite bored XD

At least, she got a nice massage!

And some handholding

And a few kisses too :D

You're a real artist, my boy :D

Natalie influenced Kiefer to fix the broken sink
Natalie: You broke it, you fix it!

But in the end, she had to fix it herself...

Well, that seems quite dangerous...

Another working day, another townie (her name is Harriet)

I think Aubrey really likes this place if she came back XD

Jasper the townie: Hm, that's quite concerning...

Natalie managed to mess up her niece, Berenice Danielson's face XD

Aubrey? Well, whatever.

At home there was a party, where all the Danielsons were invited (not everyone showed up though)
I think you're quite young to talk about such topics, Shawn XD

Oh, and the reason of the party: Payton's birthday!

Excitement, excitement everywhere XD

Whoopsie, sorry Evander XD

Um... maybe the third try will be the winner?

Yep :D

And Shawn got a new haircut too :D

And then Natalie managed to fail her own son's makeover XD

But she fixed it then!

Popularity / Family - Virgo
+ Formal wear, Charismatic
- Fatness
Traits: Family Oriented (Niko) - Black Thumb (Natalie) - Neat - Frugal
LTW: 5 top level businesses

Shawn: Hey, Payton, I'd like to talk about...
Payton: Shh! There are fat cats on TV! XD

A funny face by Leann, just to prove, she was there too XD

Payton thinks he's irresistible XD

What a beautiful painting, Natalie! :D

Payton came home with Evander the next day.
He got enchanted by butterflies XD

Well, that would be a nice romantic picture if they weren't cousins :P

They became best friends :D

Payton: Um, no one invited you, Mr. White Wolf!

White Wolf: Go away you human! I'd like to talk to him now!
Just calm down Mr. Wolfie XD

Payton have been always talkative

But now that he's a teen, he just can't shut up XD
At least he's quite cute :3

He bought the necessary equipments in the Town Hall

And he managed to run into his father

He gave him a hug, but then Niko just went away :(

Payton: Congrats on having me as a best friend!

Natalie had some good chemistry and wants about Jack Lumber the lumberjack townie, so he called him over :D

Payton didn't approve XD

Well, I don't know where it goes, but they're having fun :D

Well, that's all. They look quite smug on this picture XD
The tax was 4200 simoleons

- It seems like my calculations were wrong, and probably no elder will pass away during this round, hooray! :D
- I'm seriously thinking about passing the hair salon to Berenice... Afterall she's a family member
- Seems like Niko doesn't care about his son that much :(
- And I have absolutely no idea what to do with Payton XD
- Thank you for reading! :D

sims 2, round 8, danielson-novak, griffinmere bacc

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