
Oct 13, 2004 08:11

so it is currently october 13. i say this because judging by the weather outside, it would not appear to be october. see, at home, it does not snow in october. if it did, at least, i would be able to wear a buttload of warm clothes, such as a beanie and a nice down jacket. here, however, i walk out in the snow before the sun even rises (assuming it will rise today, that is) and freeze my butt off in a jacket that could be described as being suited for "spring-like weather." i guess someone thinks it's hard core to have to thaw out every morning during first period. then, if it wasn't enough, walking into mitches and trying my hardest not to shake while walking to my table, i hear "get at attention four-degree." right. easier said than done, i think my arms were too stiff to put straight at my sides. so now i am in the library, praying it warms up a little before 4th period when i must walk across the t-zo once more to my room. i wouldn't go back and just stay in the library and do hw all day, but unfortunately, there are these little things called minutes which were made to make life suck for freshmen. 41 more days, 41 more days....
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