(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 20:21

bored...dont know wut to write in here...stole this from ben's profile

[x}Ran through the sprinklers
[ ] Ran through the sprinklers naked
[ ] Went outside naked
[ ] Flashed somebody
[x]Mooned somebody
[ ] Went skinny-dipping
[x] Been on a picnic
[x] Been on stage
[x] Been in a parade
[x] been in a school play
[x] gotten detention?
[ ]Gotten suspended?
[ ] Gotten expelled
[x] Been on a plane
[ ]been on a cruise
[x] Traveled out of your city
[x] Traveled out of your state
[x] traveled out of the country
[ ] Fallen in love
[x] Liked somebody you could never have
[x] LIKED a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend
[x] Cheated on a test
[ ] Broken into a house
[ ] Stolen from your own family
[ ]stolen from a friend :..
[x] Flipped somebody off
[x] ate spoiled food on accident
[ ] Ate spoiled food on purpose
[x] Ate food you dropped on the floor
[ ] Drank Blood
[x] Had a pet
[ ] laughed at a funeral
[x] watched somebody's death
[x] Killed somebody(a deer)
[x] starved yourself..30 hour famine for our church
[ ] Gotten a tattoo.
[x] gotten piercings(fake lipring)
[x] Fired a gun
[x] gotten into a fist fight
[x] Gotten into a shouting match
[x] Gotten shampoo in your eye
[x] Swallowed sea/pool water accidently
[x] Swallowed sea/pool water on purpose
[x] Spun yourself in circles to get dizzy on purpose
[x] Laughed so hard it hurt
[ ] seen a live birth.
[ ] delivered a baby/animal
[ ] had an imaginary friend
[x] Fell down a whole flight of stairs
[x] Tripped going up stairs
[ ] Tripped on your own feet
[x] Cried yourself to sleep
[x] Cried in public
[ ] thrown up in public
[x] Lied to your parents
[x] skipped school
[ ] cheated on someone
[x] cried so hard you threw up (2day infact)...
[x] mosh
[x] any instrument?
[x] hide n go seek
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