Transiting at Abu Dabi airport now! Cause....I'm embarking on my 1.5 month European adventure beginning in Sweden!
Hehe. 1.5 months away from home! I'll only be missing a few people back in SG. Namely my Muay Thai kids, Toon & Em. Oh and the two whatteys: Sush in India & Rahmat on his Southeast Asian solo adventure. And of course, there's Asik who constantly requires my TLC hahaha.
He was the only one who sent me off at the departure gates cause everyone else was either working or in Europe/SEA/India. You get the idea.
He's a "work in progress"! So keep clear. :P
I'm looking forward to meet you back in SG again, and of course I'll remember you. Why wouldn't I? :D
Ugh, I still have 30min more till the boarding gates open here. See you in Sweden, bitches.