Yes I'm sitting outside Visual Orgasm waiting for Jen to touch up my wrist. Not looking forward to it though. I have an extremely low pain tolerance. And yay for next Tuesday! It's dim sum day, Monsters Inc. day & Baileys day!
I kinda like being at Haji Lane, so colorful & vibrant. Not forgetting a significantly higher number of Ang Mohs here. Heh. Damn I haven't had a cup of coffee for today yet. Was telling Asik last night about my unhealthy relationship with coffee. Hehe. It's like coffee is my boyfriend, I'm the clingy girlfriend. I cannot do without coffee, I must have at least a cup for the day. Can't live, can't survive, can't fucking function normally without my coffee hehehehe. Without my coffee, I feel empty. LOL. But it's so true.
Ah well, it should be my turn to get zzz zzz by Jen the tattoo artist. Goodbye! So long! ;) and I have Creative Writing class later at 3.30pm. Hahaha!
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