Random Thoughts

May 23, 2005 07:59

My mood is hyper because I have had too much coffee this morning...

This semester went better than I could have even imagined. I actually got an A in physics...after I got a D in the first semester of physics...go figure. I got an A- in organic chem and B+ in sociology, and calc 2. The only bad thing about this semester was organic chem lab...I am gonna have to take that one over because I unfortunately missed a lab and wasn't allowed to make it up which screwed me over for the rest of the semester. But I figure this is a good thing because I will be able to learn all the tecniques over and perfect them...which will be very good for me. All the internships I've been looking at require organic chemistry...and it is definitely the most important lab so...I think everything happened for a reason.

Things with Jimmy have been going so well it scares me. We've been getting along so well...and we are both at a point where we couldn't be happier.

In two weeks I am going to see the Killers and Interpol and I am SOOOOOO excited!!! Its gonna be a great concert...I am going with my entire family and my aunts family too, so it should be a good time. I am only working four days a week this summer...which I am actually happy about...it is less hours and less money, but hopefully that means i'll have more to do on the four days that I am here and I will have fridays off so I will have three days weekends...which will be sick. I am going to be 20 in less than a month...just odd. I feel like i am getting old. I don't really want to be 20...but then again I can't wait to be 21 so it can't be too bad of a thing.

I want the weather to be nice so that it actually feels like its summer...cuz right now I do not feel like I am on summer vacation.
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