35 shopping days til christmas....and ill be able to buy gifts.

Nov 20, 2003 23:54

HES BACK!!!!! anarchy77 I missed you so much. And I added the SN from your userinfo. Hopefully, thats the one you use..I'll find out soon enough..

Okay, now for the real shit.. So its been forever and a day since I said something of value in here... thats for a couple reasons...

One, being that anything negative I might have wanted to vent about, would be having to do with babydollangel because she now lives with me...It's been like 9 weeks, and I'm pretty sure now that we have a decent line of communication happening, we wont be having petty issues with each other. And if we do, we'll be talking about them, so that drama major doesn't happen. I love her. And I hope that she knows that.

Two, being that Ive been on a major lazy streak, and LJ is just one more thing to add to the list of things to do.. But now that Im getting ahold on things, I'll be able to go back to my ramblings and self-entertaining and fullfilling posts.

I dont really think anyone reads this crap, its more of a way for me to vent than anything else....but if you do, I Love Comment Love *whores self out*

Onto the next subject at hand.....

I GOT A NEW JOB! I filled out an app at the "Low Carb Mall" on Sunday... For those that dont know, which is probably everyone, its a store full of Atkins products,low carb products, sugar free products, protein stuff, umm....a small restaurant like part of the place where you can have low carb foods for bkfst, lunch and dinner. And ice cream. Mmmmn..Ice cream is goooood.. And amazingly, low carb ice cream isnt as nasty as most people would imagine it to be.. Even funner? I get a free ice cream at every shift lol.

So yeah. I filled out an app on Sunday, got a call on Monday, had an interview on Wed, got the call today(thursday) and I start on Saturday. Im uber excited. The people there are really nice(even though its only a few people there at any shift..like 2 or 3 maybe) The pay? GREAT. I was expecting min. wage or something, but its a dollar and change over that. Employee discount? 35%. Ice cream discount? 50%. Hehe. Thats good to know. Because I can see myself going there on my hour break between classes and getting a soft serve ice cream. Mmmmmmn. And I can have it sugar free so I dont get all sick and pass out. . . . . .

So I can finally start making my car payments again.. and hopefully will eventually get a new cell (NOT WITH T-MOBILE THOSE NAZI BASTARDS) and then I'll be calling dothelancedance and maybe even jcsalycat76 because for some reason, we've talked online, met in person, but have yet to have random babbles on the tele.

What else, what else......

Im in my second quarter since Ive returned to T.A.C. Which means that Im now in 5th qtr, but im taking all kinds of classes. HTML. CPU Illustration. And 4th QTR Design. So far so good, even though im only in week 3 of 12. But this qtr seems to be going a hell of a lot better than last, considering I fucked that shit up. Yeah. Bad bad grades. Havent told my mom. *hides* Dont plan on telling her either. Just gonna avoid the subject at all costs.

I think this post is getting long. I cant tell how long it is, because this browser is waay different than what Im used to. Why? Because Im on my moms cpu at the moment, so CC and I can write some Ian/Wade. MMN. Wade.. Ian.. God I need to have someone to do things with. I'll be 21 in 4 months and Im gonna die unkissed. Its depressing.

I was gonna ramble about surgery/weight stuff..but since this is long, im saving it til my next entry..which wont be 2 months from now.. It'll probably be tmw. When Im off from school...and the day before I start the job. Technically...its like my last day of freedom. I'll need to find a way to smoke out. Heh. Found a check I got for my b-day last march that I never cashed. Gonna try to do that tmw. And hopefully, I'll have $25 in my pocket, until I piss it away on things I can kill my lungs with.. which isnt really smart, considering Ive had a cough from hell since last week.

Going For reals this time. My love to anyone and everyone who reads this. *kisses and hugs and all that good happy shit*

<3 Loren
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