
Jan 30, 2008 00:53

I am with the one I love in this lifetime. But there are four that got away that I think about. I wonder if they think of me. I'm pretty sure three do. But there is one that probably doesn't even know I think of him and it's best kept that way.

Wild, wild horses... couldn't drag me away... Jewel does a great cover. It's on my myspace playlist. Am I a douche for liking Jewel? I like snaggle toothed Jewel better than vamped up Jewel, but that's just cuz I'm an old school type of girl.

It's strange when you deflect a soulmate from a past or future life. Because you know you did it. And they know too.

I'm such a pitiful dreamer. I need to stop thinking about other lives and live the one I am in now. However, I still drift in and out of realms that I can't control.

I'm just a crazy beast. It's all good. I'm with the man I'm meant for and I know that in my heart. But my soul at least wants to keep the others in my life. I'm friends with them, but it's best kept on the fringe.

Okay, now I need to sleep. These fingers will not stop.
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