Nov 23, 2011 20:42
Yeah, yeah, I know it comes up this time every year. Another list of the things we're thankful for, more posts extolling the things in our lives that make us the awesome people we are. Yada, yada.
Well, here's mine:
* My family has been remarkably healthy this year. No trips to the hospital, no crazy health issues, no serious discussions involving hearts, lungs or mortality.
* My Dad is walking 2-3 miles a day at the local gym, and feels healthy as a horse doing it. (need to get off my own overly lazy behind and do something as well)
* My niece is more awesome than ever. She's getting so smart so fast it's scary. Getting much harder to fool her at anything, and she's started showing you that she can easily figure out how things work and how to set them right when they don't.
* I still have a job. Considering the fact that I am probably unemployable at any place that doesn't let me wear t-shirts and jeans and keep an aquarium in my office, that's an excellent thing. Work is not steady or without it's issues, but it's still going which is more than I can say for many folks.
* I have a reliable truck that has yet to let me down.
* I have an incredible collection of friends all over the place that allow me to look over their shoulders into their lives and tell amazing stories on the interwebs. One day after I win the lottery, I'm coming to visit you all. Get those restraining orders ready.
* Some of those friends have taught me really cool things that I enjoy a great deal.
* I am looking forward to a great meal with a large amount of family tomorrow and again on Saturday.
* Family is mostly drama free. I can't say enough about that.
* I have a warm, dry, inexpensive, reliable house that is comfortable and safe.
* I have acres of property (between myself and family) to wander on, ride the ATV on and neighbors that don't care how and where I do either.
* I can take a few days off to enjoy the holidays without worrying.
* I am free to be myself in whatever way I see fit. I'm not tied to anyone or anything that keeps me from doing things I enjoy or tries to bend me to fit some mold.
Most of all I guess I should be more thankful for the fact that even when I forget all these things and whine and complain, people let me vent and gently prod me back in line.
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody and I hope that in the middle of all the things that are going on lately, you can find something to be thankful for as well.