Oni Updated! and Civilization and Stuff

May 28, 2007 10:06

Another installment of WIth a Little Help From My Friends is up at Wirepop!
--Latest update
--Start from the beginning

It was a Kurt Vonnegut book -- can't remember which one-- where I encountered the tasty idea about ice equaling civilization. The thought is that if a society has advanced to the technical level where it can produce ice that's evidence of the society being "civilized".

At the conclusion of this weekend I say the existence of comics creators is a better metric. If a society can produce individuals who can spend approximately EIGHT FREAKIN' HOURS ON ONE FREAKIN'PANEL (include writing, reference research, drawing, inking, toning, text effects, exporting to the web and posting in with that) and NOT starve to death OR be eaten by lions, then, yeah, we're civilized. My lesbian goth dance club in panel 1 vindicates you, Western Civ. Hooray!

How many gazelles could I have hunted down in the time it took me to create page 3 I wonder?

Note that I'm NOT saying you can make a living at it, that is, that you can sustain this behavior. Just that you can do it. *cries*
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