Aug 18, 2004 04:45
so today was all of that fun stuff for the new school "boulder creek hs". we got our id cards and pictures n stuff n yeah i got too see everybody. school starts tomorrow. ahh. i cant believe it. this summer went by seriously so fast it doesnt feel REALL! but oh well. im excited for cheer and for a new school. so w/e i deal i deal :-*
chrissy started to work with me=D. its alot funner when i work with her rather than like all the other ppl :).but after we went to subway and spend all our tips. lol. but its fun! we have fun!
AND i couldnt get my hair colored on monday so i just got it cut but it looks bee oo tee ful if i do say so my self.. and monday im getting it colored n stuff! so im perrty excited about that!
i cant believe school starts tomorow. the reality is finally starting to set in. i made my binder and put all sorts of pretty pictures etc. on there:) how fun. but i dont want to fill it up with hw and stuff. bad bad bad.
oh yeah and my skin is peeling sooooooooooo bad ommgg.. i feel like goldmember.. well besides the whole eating the skin thing.. and saving it in a little gold box. yeah that was kinda weird. but yeah i promise i dont eat my peeled skin. its just gross and peels and peels and peels and i have like this big patch on each of my arms and its just really unattractive.. so if you see me they are not birthmarks or something weird like that .. just my cool skin:) kay thanks.
well im gonna go finsih getting everything ready for school :) so next time you talk to me ill be a sophomore. pretty cool [i know.] =/ lol kay byebye.
[oh yeah and 1 more thing. boyfriends are overrated:)]
ps. lemme know if you knwo what recumbent means? hah