woot woot

Jul 11, 2004 09:41

hello. :P ahh im so mad that my other entry b4 this when i tried to put my pictures on here wouldnt work. then it wouldnt delete. how gay i know. today was such a good day =D mainly cause i got a free starbucks and work was really fun :) but i wont tell why =D.. anyway.. yesterday at work this like bus load of hot baseball players came in :) that was pretty cool too =D =D it was like heaven. then i went to desert ridge and got some good stuff man :) i am just a happy girl - look at all those smileys.

anyway.. the night before[since i havent written in here in like years] i had to babysit these gay kids.. im seriously contemplating whether or not i am going to have kids. cause ugh. i wanted to kill them. kids r gay.

*iM noT bEin tOo dRamaTic .. ItS jUsT hoW i gOTtA hAVe iT =* i love this song ;)*

anyway.. i have to work 4 days this week. CRAZY i know. dont worry about me, i can handle it.

its weird all of a sudden ive been really happy:).. really odd but good. considering this summer hasnt been very good at ALL! =/ sucky. but sometimes i get sad cause of "things" that ppl do.. or well SAY:( it hurts my guts.. but its okay iM oVEr iT ;]

mm yea, well i think that about wraps it up. and oh yeah val made me want to eat puppy chow :) that stuff is my freakin favorite ahhh..

tAlk TO yA lAtAaA =]

ps. i want to see napolean dynamite so freakin bad. im seeing it OPENING DAY FOR SHOREEE!

pps.i love megan cause we have 2.. well ya no.. and 3 of ya that other thing -hehe- and she is a chinese ant-eater.. WHO KNEW?

kay sorry im done.
oh wait.. and melissa DANGGGGGGG she is such a fox.
and jan of course. cant forget the chicago love of my life:)

peace out kiDDos.
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