He's So Sweet; I Wanna Lick the Wrapper... [[Oneshot]]

Apr 11, 2010 03:52

Title: He's So Sweet; I Wanna Lick the Wrapper... 
Author: dee_jaydj 
Rating: M/hard R
Pairing: Zalex
Summary: Alex has an unhealthy obsession with lollipops. Zack has an unhealthy obsession with Alex's mouth.
Disclaimer: I do not own/know any of the people in my story, as much as i wish i did.
title/ cut text belong to Lil' Wayne (Even though Framing Hanley covered it better. >.> )
Beta: alifeofourown 
Author Notes: Mm. I've been extremely AWOL lately. O.o I's sorry. But, if any of you people (besides Rhee -_-;; ) are still interested, new fiiic. and hopefully more to come!
PS I finished this at about 3 in the morning. >.< Thankfully I had it beta'd, but still. dunno how fantabulous it'll be. Enjoy?

Alex had always liked lollipops. It wasn’t a very unusual thing to see him sitting around with one of the little white plastic sticks poking out of his mouth. He liked candy, so that added to the ‘obsession’ as Jack had so dutifully dubbed it. But for some reason only God knew, Zack could not stop staring at him.

Now Zack was never really one to show when something affected him. He was quiet, and he normally didn’t comment when something bothered him, not that he was bothered per say. His body, on the other hand, was speaking for itself, and said body was less bothered, more… frustrated.

When he was being honest with himself, Zack knew that he had had a little bit of a crush on Alex for a while. He hated using a word so juvenile, but that was really the only explanation for it. He had a ‘crush’ that no one knew about.

At least… he thought no one knew. He had his suspicions that Jack might know. He hinted at it with innuendos and very blatant attempts to get them alone. Zack was pretty sure Jack knew, actually.

But he was getting off track.

That lollipop…

That mouth….

The way Alex’s mouth curled around the base of the round candy, letting the spit-coated red peek out a little every now and then, the little noises that broke the silence occasionally, the result of his mouth sucking the flavor off the cherry lollipop… it was driving Zack fucking insane. He kept his mouth shut, thanking his lucky stars that he had the shield of his acoustic guitar in his lap to hide his… problem.

He wasn’t very happy with the idea of Alex noticing that he was getting uncomfortably hard from watching him. He doubted it would turn out well.

Just the fact that Zack was letting himself get so distracted was embarrassing. He was cool and collected, right? …….right?

He sighed a little, strumming absently at the guitar. Every now and then, Alex would look up at him from the lyrics they were supposed to both be working on to look at Zack, a confused expression on his face, before looking down again. After a while, Alex cleared his throat a little, calling Zack’s attention to him. “Er… Zack… you okay?” he asked slowly, arching an eyebrow at the bassist. Zack nodded some, before hesitating.

“Why?” he responded, a cautious question.

“Well… you’ve been muttering for the past fifteen minutes in the third person. Something about ‘evil candy, bringer of doom’…”

Zack blushed deeply, eyes going wide. “I was… wait… seriously?” He could hear the nervous tone in his own voice. Shit.

“Mhmmm… And you said my name a couple times too.”

Oh god. Oh god. Oh holy shit! This was so not good! Zack took a few nervous breaths, eyes downcast. “Uh… yeah, sorry. I didn’t really realize that you were listening. Or that I was speaking at all… Sorry,” he replied lamely, following with a nervous laugh. That fucking lollipop was still hanging out of his fucking mouth and Zack was about ready to explode.

“Uhm… I’ll be right back… Bathroom,” he excused quickly, reluctantly putting his guitar down and standing, trying to get out of Alex’s line of sigh as quickly as possible. But the sound of Alex’s stifled, surprised gasp made it very clear the attempt was utterly useless.

There was a prolonged moment of awkward silence, and Zack couldn’t bring himself to look down to meet Alex’s eyes. He swallowed thickly, slowly starting to leave again. Before he could get the chance to go farther than half a step, Alex grabbed his wrist, holding him in place.

“Zack… are you seriously hard for me?” he asked curiously. Normally, hearing stuff like that from Alex was taken as a joke because… It was Alex. But he sounded completely serious, and it fucking terrified Zack. He couldn’t tell if Alex sounded angry, upset, or revolted.

Blushing furiously, Zack slowly nodded as his only response, chewing on his lower lip, wondering why in the hell he didn’t just lie, or spout off a ‘your mom’ joke. Alex let out a thoughtful ‘huh’ before tugging on Zack’s hand enough to bring him down onto the couch he was sitting on. “Well. It’d be kinda rude to leave you hanging, wouldn’t it?” he finished casually, swinging his leg over Zack’s lap, shifting his weight to put himself over the bassist, straddling his hips. Zack’s eyes went a little wide, mouth gaping slightly. Was this seriously happening?

Alex let out a little giggle, wrapping his arms around Zack’s neck. “You seem surprised,” he hummed, as if, hey, I’m not sitting in your lap and pressing against your goddamn hard-on right now, how’s the weather?

Zack choked out a weak sort of laugh, hesitantly placing his hands on Alex’s hips. “You could say that…” he muttered, looking up at Alex with what could only be confusion in his eyes. Alex merely shrugged a little, before leaning in and closing the distance between them, pressing his lips to Zack’s, and holy shit, this was seriously happening? Zack pulled Alex’s body a little closer to his own, not wasting much time before he was getting lost in the kiss. He was content to just do this, he really was, because this was something he’d wanted to do for God only knew how long.

But then he felt Alex’s tongue against his lip, and shit, he could taste the cherry flavor of the lollipop on his tongue… Zack let out a little groan, sliding his hand up Alex’s side and curling around the back of his neck, holding him close into the kiss as he lapped up the damned taste of the candy left over on his mouth. Actually, Zack had no idea what happened to that lollipop, but this was so, so much better than watching.

Zack would have been totally okay with just kissing like that for a while, but he should have known that Alex had other plans for him. One of his arms loosened from around Zack’s neck, slowly traveling down his chest, skimming over his stomach, and Zack sort of lost focus between the searing kiss and the hand that finally found its way to his crotch. Zack made a surprised noise, his hips instinctively pushing up into Alex’s hand. He could hear Alex laughing a little to himself, breathless and broken though it was. So Zack wasn't the only one ridiculously turned on, thank god. He’d feel a little stupid if he was.

The hand Alex has put over the bulge in his jeans started moving slowly, eliciting a moan from Zack’s lips. Alex’s hand kept moving, but his other hand joined the first, and Zack had an idea of what he was doing, especially when he felt a sense of relief as the button and zipper of his jeans were opened. But he still had to ask.

“A… Alex, what are you doing?” he choked out, breath coming in shaky gasps, anticipation gripping him.

“You’ll see,” the singer hummed cheerfully, and Jesus fuck, his hands were so fucking warm. Zack let out a moan as Alex pulled him from his boxers, stroking his erection slowly, teasingly. Without really being aware of it, the grip on Alex slackened, and the other squirmed away from him, slipping off the couch and onto the floor, on his knees. But Zack didn’t really notice all this, because the other’s hand was still stroking him, and he was completely and utterly blissed out.

Slowly, he pulled his eyes open and looked down at Alex. There was a cocky sort of smirk, his eyes dark and dilated. Zack opened his mouth to ask what the hell was so fucking amusing, but all that could come out was a strangled “What…?” before he cut himself off with a gasp. Alex has flicked his tongue out, running it along the slit of the other’s cock. “Jesus Christ,” he breathed out, eyes fluttering shut as Alex took him into his mouth slowly, pausing just long enough to such at the head for a moment, before moving down. How much fucking practice did he have with this shit? Because Zack could almost swear he felt Alex’s lips at the base of his cock, and was that the back of his throat?!

And, okay, he was thinking way too much right now, and Zack tried to empty his mind, which turned out to be a lot easier than he thought as Alex moaned around him slightly, sending vibrations all through his dick. Okay, wow. He looked down a little, though his vision was a little blurry, slightly shocked to see Alex’s hand shoved down his pants, jerking himself off with the little room he had in the confines of the denim. And if that wasn’t ridiculously hot…

It didn’t take much after that before Zack was coming hard into Alex’s mouth, letting out a loud moan of the singer’s name, his hand unconsciously grabbing at the hair at the back of his head, holding him there as he came. In retrospect, that was sort of a really douche thing to do, but he wasn’t exactly thinking at the time. He felt Alex swallow around him.

Holy shit. Alex swallowed.

That fact sent a shiver down Zack’s spine, letting out a little noise as he relaxed against the couch, hearing Alex moan as he fell over the edge not too long after, pulling away from the bassist.

Zack’s eyes felt heavy, having just experienced one of the best, though admittedly most unexpected, orgasms in his life. He really wanted to do this more often. Alex slowly climbed up onto the couch, though he looked more than a little uncomfortable.

“I fuckin’ hate coming in my jeans…” he muttered, collapsing on the couch, head leaning on Zack’s shoulder, lazily reaching over and tucking him back into his pants. Zack made a halfhearted noise, trying to ignore the slight twitch of interest his dick made at the contact. Not now, way too soon, he decided for it, relaxing with an arm draped over Alex’s shoulder.

“I think I’m gonna have to buy you some more lollipops, Gaskarth.”

oneshot, author: dee_jaydj, rating: m, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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