This battle is for you

Sep 25, 2012 17:14

Title: This battle is for you 
Author:  dee_iero
Pairings : P/D
Rating: PG
Summary:  Pierre was about to leave…. *I’m bad at summary* :/
Disclaimer: : I have two kittens in my room, they are cute J
Author Notes:   I don’t know about the army or military rules, I don’t have idea about gay would be rejected to join the army or anything. But come on, this is not United States or Canada, this is FANFICTION folks! Blame it to my over-imagination. I would love to see David in the condition of being an army boyfriend, and yeah I would like to see Pierre in an army outfit… hehe…

“David please, opens the door!” again Pierre knocked the front door of Desrosiers residence.
David, who’s currently inside the house, sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the door since he’s refusing to let Pierre in  “Go away!!”
 Pierre exhaled “I’ll just leave you for a year; I’ll be home again without you even realize I was gone”
David snorted “You talk like you’re leaving for a vacation”
Pierre griping his backpack tightly, “I am” wishing to the world he really is.
In the other side of the door David silently crying. Playing with the ring that Pierre’s gave him a few weeks ago.
The memory comes to the both of them. It was afternoon, Pierre lying on his back under the tree. They were just enjoying the light of afternoon’s sun. His arms wrapped loosely around David.
“Hey” Pierre called softly, the younger man in his arms turn his head.
“Hmmm..” a lazy answer comes from his thin lips.
Pierre smile to that. “I have something for you”
David immediately turn a whole body towards him, his green hazel eyes went wide as excited waiting for Pierre’s next words.
“What is it”?? David’s earn was so pure, Pierre could hugs him for that.
He reaches his back pocket of his jeans, and then he opens his palm. David eyes starred at the silver ring. 
“Are you asking me to marry you”? David raised his eyebrows. “On your knees Bouvier”!
Pierre laughed; he can tell that Disney Movies were a bad influence to David. But yeah, He was on his knees and held the ring with his right and held David’s hand with his left. Before he could say his proposal, David seized the ring and throw his self onto Pierre.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Pierre startled for a moment and then smile. Hugs the younger man tightly, refuses to let him go. But now the one who will go away was him self.
The sound of a vehicle coming brought them to the present. Pierre eyes glance at the bus who will take him away from home, family and David. ‘David’ Pierre’s mind back to the man inside the house.
“Will you wait for me till I get home?” Pierre’s word comes softly and David breathes them in.
No answer.  “D?” Pierre called again.
“Why?” sniffing “Why you have to leave?”
Pierre smile weakly, he knew David to well. He couldn’t refuse speak to Pierre more than a minute. “You know very well, that this thing would come, sooner or later. Why don’t you understand David? I did it for us.”
“Stop that! I don’t want to hear your bullshit speech! You’ll leave me alone! You’re selfish Pierre !”
Pierre knit his eyebrows “I’m selfish? Look who’s talking!” Anger rose up to his brain. He’s try to calm down, he doesn’t want this ‘good-bye scene’ gone badly. But maybe David was right, he was so selfish, at least he had a choice to stay, and he doesn’t need to leave.
Finally the bus stopped and its door folded open. Pierre swallows hard. He could hear David’s soft whimper. Yes, he is selfish like David said. Yes, he is pathetic because he was leaving his family behind. Yes, he is an idiot who’s gone for someone else concern and ignore his own. But no, it is not about the pride or rewards that everyone wishes for, it’s about David. Pierre wishing to every God up there so that David could understand and being proud of him and take him home safe and live if that not too much asking.
“See you on the next summer, D. I love you” with that Pierre take a few steps towards the dark green bus, his family watching him silently. His mom sobbing, his dad hugs her and looks about to say that the bus or what ever it is need to leave his son alone. Would he ever see them again? Would he ever to take David in his arms again? This thought hit him like a physical blow.
The door was open suddenly “PIERRE!!” David called his name, sobbing uncontrollably. Pierre turns his body when David run and hugs him. Pierre dropped his backpack. David crying to Pierre’s neck, arms wrapped aroud him tightly.
I’ll call you. I’ll write. I’ll send you email. I’ll wait you here. I’ll… I…I.. ‘ll” David stuttered over his words.
Pierre kisses his temple. When David calms enough, he pulls away from the hug, hands gripping Pierre’s shirt. Pierre’s palms resting on his cheeks, thumbs caressing the damp cheeks.
“I know, I’ll miss you like a hell”
David choked a bitter laugh. Pierre snickers a little and then kissing him softly. A long good bye kiss. No one was calling, not even the bus driver calling him to hurry. The time seems to stop.
When the kiss ending, Pierre resting their forehead together. “I need to go, see you the next summer, eh?”
David nodding weakly, Pierre smile in return and kiss him once more.
Pierre bent down to reach his backpack and walked toward the bus, once he was inside no one greeted him or even made an eye contact. He’s scanning the bus, almost all the passengers were around his age. He takes the empty seat on the right side. Looking out of the window he could see everything he left behind. He could see David there. Standing a lone on the front path, hugging him self, trying to be strong and understand, his shoulders shaking from the sob.
Pierre glace to his family for the last time nodded his head to his old man.
The bus started to leave; it slowly disappeared, leaving the dust behind and David alone.

The dark haired boy sitting on his sofa, watching the television.  He was watching the news program. He hated it, he prefer watching Dora looking what was inside her ransel than this, but he needs, no he must watching this. It’s been two weeks since Pierre leaving.
The television showing the war about a country in the Middle East, the blowing smoke and the gun fight. The scenes sending shiver to David’s spine. He wish Pierre was fine and safe like he told on the last phone call.
“I’ll be here when you come home. I’ll never gonna leave you Pierre”. Silently he’s talking like Pierre was there beside him, wrapped his arms around him, and whisper to his ear ‘I love you’.

I was thinking about the next part, but I would like to see who’s earn it J
Well,I have a bad grammar, sorry if it is confusing you.