Nov 04, 2008 20:33
I voted this morning :) I was kinda pissed because they didn't have 'I voted' stickers which blew. But still. This is my second time voting and it's funny cause to me, both times have been a big deal. Hopefully we won't fuck it up again.
While the last time was important, this time I'm actually watching the election coverage. I'm nervous about the results. My fingers are crossed guys. I kind of wish I'd done an absentee ballot because really Florida always needs more democratic votes, vs NY which really is alright in that department (typically).
I wish I had a tv in my room/a laptop because I really wanna watch the coverage and be on my computer right now. The election post in twatlight is particularly awesome and I can't even get onto the page at ontd. Last I checked there were 3447 comments on that one O.o
Also I was very pleasantly surprised at how many people in my neighborhood were out voting today. Lower income blacks aren't exactly known for showing up in mass on election day so it was nice hearing so many people talk about how they voted and stuff.
Bah all this anxiety is giving me a headache!
political mumbo jumbo