Mar 14, 2008 14:09
Dearest flist,
Just so you are aware, I'm not used to this whole assload of friends thing yet so I definitely fell behind by not reading for a day and a half. I just caught up with everything and, while I tried to comment as much as possible, I actually have to get to work now. I promise to read and comment more when I get back from NYC this sunday night :D And probably that's when I'll spam you with photos and/or music. And a poll I think. I've been feeling poll-y lately so expect it soon.
Thanks and lots of love,
But seriously, I"ve been at work since about 9:15 am. It's 2:15ish now. Since no one else is here today, I've just been doing what I want. Which apparently means abandoning all but phone answering duties of my actual job and spending hours reading and commenting on my flist haha Soooo yea. Now that I have about an hour before I have to leave, I'm gonna go enter in a million notices and file a bunch of paperwork. Think I can finish in time?
flist love,
random as hell,