I am now undertaking the arduous task of renovating my eljay. I'm talking new layout, new mood theme, the works XD The most exciting thing? I'm doing it myself. I'm making my own layout...well, sorta. I'm probably going to use a free layout from the premade layouts community and the tweak it to make it my own. I'll give them credit though because I'm not talented enough to create a whole html code on my own. I'm even making my own mood theme!! This will probably take me quite a long time [I've been working for 1 1/2 hours and I have like 33 moods out of 132 :/ ] but I think it'll be worth it. If I think it's good enough, I might even upload it for others to use :D
In other news, I spent an enjoyable night in (sorta) on Friday. I rented
Driving Lessons and watched it over at Sabrina's house. Well first she made me a copy of the Across the Universe soundtrack (SOOOO GOOD!) and then we discussed html and such and then we watched DL. It started kind of slow, but it picked up and became more random as it went along. Laura Linney as crazed Christian mom=so frickin nuts! "You may have noticed that Mr. Fincham has started dressing in my clothes. We must assume that this is part of his recovery." Seriously she was so crazy! Julie Walters was really good in this. She looked nothing like "Ron's mom/Mrs.Weasley" which is a good thing since that's the main movie I know her from. She was crazy and awesome and seriously, "Ben, can you put your shoulder under my butt?" If I remember correctly, that was an outtake but a hilarious one! I love her so much in everything I've ever seen her in. And Rupert! My dear Rupert, how I love you. It was so refreshing seeing him in something besides Potter. I think he's very good with expressing emotion through body language. And it was nice watching his behaviour change as the character grew and changed. I cracked up whenever he was the eucalyptus tree on stage. He just stood there in this ridiculous green bodysuit thing with fake leaves...it even had a littlecap thing that surrounded his faces and long vines finger gloves. I can't describe it, look it up if you're really interested. And a plus? He has a sex scene, almost! He makes out a little and then it cuts to the morning after. I was like, Rupert kissing? That's new! Rupert shirtless and in boxers?!? Hello, small dents on the lower back. Yespleasethanks! God, I'm easy. *sigh* Brina knew it though. The second we saw him getting out of bed the morning after, I saw out of the corner of my eye that she turned her head to see my reaction haha. But anyway, it wasn't the most amazing fantastic movie I've ever seen and I won't pretend like it was just because I love Rupert, but it was entertaining and worth the money to rent it. So that was a success in my mind. Overall it was a lovely evening :)
Now it's late and I really should be getting to bed. I really hope I have good dreams tonight. Ones where I'm not pregnant or having babies please. (Don't ask, that's a whole different story...)