*So Isaiah Washington checked himself into rehab. (Rolls eyes). Since I have nothing nice to say about this man at the time being, I think I'll just be moving on.
*I miss Bones. What it's been, 6 weeks since our last new episode? I'm so excited about it coming back Wednesday, and Michael Ausiello's column is making me look forward to it even more:
Question: Have you heard anything about
Bones?- Marisa Navarro
Ausiello: Big scoop straight from Emily Deschanel: Former Hugh Laurie sidekick Stephen Fry is doing a multi-episode arc as a shrink. "[Booth] goes a little nutso, does something bad and is given mandatory therapy," Emily told me Saturday night at Fox's press-tour party. As a result, Booth and Brennan "get separated, and that's when I have to work with" new recurring guest star/love interest Eddie McClintock. Booth eventually returns to the fold, but his jealousy over Brennan's new crush lands them both on Fry's couch. "We end up going to couples therapy with Stephen Fry because we're not working well together." Emily also confirmed that her pa, Oscar-nominated cinematographer Caleb Deschanel, will helm Bones' penultimate episode in May. "I won't have any kissing scenes in that episode. I requested that," she laughed. "Could you imagine?" No, but I bet Joe Simpson could.
*I just finished watching the 3rd season of Angel over the weekend:
The season as a whole was -okay-. There were definitely some great moments, but overall it wasn't the finest bunch of episodes I've seen.
*The return of Darla and the way she sacrificed herself for Connor. Love her.
*Wesley sleeping with Lilah. I'm sorry, the two of them just amuse me.
*Connor - I know this is a bad one, but you have to feel sorry for the kid. Raised in a hell dimension, son of two vampires, turned against his own father, etc. And yes, he locked Angel in a box at the bottom of the ocean (which was really difficult to watch by the way), but he honestly thought Angel killed his father. And the kid knows nothing but violence, so it's hard to really hate him.
He kind of reminds me of a male Dawn, with all the issues he's got going on in his head. The two of them should meet one day for lunch.
*Angel Vs. Wesley - I liked the tension it created. Even if it did cause Angel to try and smother Wesley with a pillow.
*Gunn and Fred - Most. Annoying. Couple. Ever. Pancake kiss? Ugh. And Fred with her giggling and squeaky voice? Double ugh.
*The way each character feels the need to summarize the previous episode and the episode before that in at least two scenes of every single episode. I understand if they were trying to get new viewers in, but it's really annoying.
*That it was never fully explained how Darla became pregnant with Angel's child, since it's 100 percent impossible for vampires to conceive. And other plot holes that didn't make much sense.
*Cordelia and Angel missing their chance when he got thrown into the ocean, and she decided to become a "higher being."
*Squee for Veronica Mars last night!
The Logan/Veronica kiss was just the perfect I've missed you kiss. But I like that other guy too....the hottie with the long hair. He just looked so crushed when he saw that Logan and Veronica were back together.
*Does anyone on my flist watch Friday Night Lights? I'm falling a little bit more in love with it each week.
*My cable isn't working, and a tech won't be able to come out until next week. (Sniff).
*I went to my martial arts class today for the first time in weeks. I was nervous to go back because of how I couldn't finish the class the last time, but today was really good :) I forgot how much I missed it.