(no subject)

Sep 09, 2005 08:41

aha i know i say a lot of shit so i'll be upfront about...some things right now.

i really DO love it here at U of T. aha maybe just the social aspect. jus watch. next week, when i start classes, y'all are gunna read another post that will say how much i HATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTE it. but whatever, its all good. Yesterday was alright. i met this new girl named Rita, and we have the exact same courses, and 4/5 of the same lectures, so it will be nice to see a familiar face. we also watched the Second City comedy thing. FUCKING HILARIOUS. y'all should go down and see it. the skits were so funny, and the improv is like the stuff on "whos line is it anyway". today should be good, though. its the SAC parade and concert. the parade will consist of ALL froshies from ALL colleges/campuses, so it should be GREAT. i really love the whole spirit thing going on, and when we all o f a sudden break out into cheers. NEW COLLEGE, RED HOT!! Then the concert... i've never heard of them. Sloan and controller.controller will be performing. i have a feeling that they are rock groups =S.

secondly, serious relationship or not, i still really do love matt ^_^ and i honestly do get annoyed with some people who make those innocent moves. aha...annoyed? more like jealous. but for real, theres nothing to be worried about, right? because he's not stupid, haha right? one woman kinda guy MmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahahaha

okay ive said my peice for the day...oh one more thing. I LOVE BENCI! he's growing up, grade 7 already. i dont want to baby him but =( hes my baby brotherrrrrrr
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