Aug 04, 2004 02:58
well things have been weird latly. i just don't feel like the same old dave that i used to be. i am having a hard time figuring out if this feeling that i have is a good thing or a bad thing. i just find myself wanting to be a better all around person and i find myself wishing that there was more that i could do to help humanity.
well thats enough of that now to update everyone on how life is treating me. well first off it's almost time to go back to school. i am kinda excited but i have to do it hardcore this time because this is my last chance i really need to put it down and do good. the returning of the school year does however bring one sad note. one of my friends of the female gender will be leaving for school which sucks cuz i really wish i had more time for us to get closer because i like her but it's all good. so i am sure from that you all guessed it my love life hasn't changed alone as usual and getting used to it. whatever. i have nothing else to bable about peace all.