Fear Surrounds
Fear surrounds you
It drowns all senses
Touching my skin, with prickly heat
I can taste it when i kiss you
Like a three course meal
It smells so good and i devour it
Your fear sings out to me and sounds devine
Like a chorus
Your fear surrounds
Like a cloud
I see
Terraced Houses
On uneven streets
A baby screaming
Music playing, no peace
This is what i see
And my head is full
The sounds are painful
When will it stop?
I look up, birds fly overhead
Longing for that freedom
Never ending thoughts and sounds
I beg it to stop
Donna Kelly 31/10/04
Will be updating from the past couple of weeks - i promise. Have just been really busy with Saffron and my own little project. Which incidentally has it's own little LJ community too
the_empty_pen Go take a look and let me know what you think. :)