Aug 26, 2004 09:00
Well, our big adventure starts. Just set off and the morning looks so promising, all blue sky and prettiness. Sat in the car next to Jay, we’re on our way to Keswick which is situated in the Lake District. He has to work up there this weekend so work booked a hotel for the both of us. When we looked online the other day the hotel seemed to be in a very pretty area of the district.
To be honest, I’m not really sure what to expect. Though I do know that I’m going to enjoy this time with Jay. It’s possible that it will be the last chance we get to spend some quality time together before the baby arrives. Methinks I’m going to make the most of it.
I feel so peaceful right now, could be partly to do with the mixture of colours I’m seeing as we pass through the country side. It’s all green and blues, with nature at it’s best.